Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Sex Pistols" Play Debut in Northampton, England

"It's the Sex Pistols!!!", Gregg Glory's first verse play, will be debuting at the Labour Club in Northampton, England (directions).
Billed as "a play for audience participation," Glory is coming off a brilliant reading at the Word Fest 2006 in Metuchen, NJ. At least, that's what he's telling all of his friends who'll listen. Never interviewed concerning the origin or inspiration of the piece, Glory has nevertheless held forth on the topic of his midnight-to-three a.m. shift as a DJ at his alma mater's radio station "back in the day," saying how he used to love playing punk albumsides uninterrupted and then read a scene from Shakespeare aloud to the dreaming audience. This was known informally around the campus as "Tea Time with Gregg G. Brown."

Sunday, May 21st, 2006, 8PM
Northampton Labour Club
97 Charles St,
Northampton, NN1 3BG,
United Kingdom
01604 454280

The play was originally published by BLAST PRESS eons ago, and was a wall-eyed view of a moment of cultural history even back then. But, since history is a fiction that no number of half-and-halfs can erase, such vivid fictionalizing simply seems to be in the normal course of events. A sign of life itself,as it were. The play was collected into Glory's verse play doorstop book just three years ago, titled "A Million Shakespeares (737 pp)." It is available to read online here.

From the Prologue:

Everything not incidental
To a prince's birth in loathed ashes
Shall be told in what we are about to speak:
Mire costuming here a spirit as rare
As any that went naked in greater ages
Whose philosophers, incidents, and strange tales
Whisper still in books passed down to us.