Thursday, December 22, 2005

Brighton Bar Reading

Off to read at the Brighton Bar tonight.  I think I'll read a mix from "The Departed Friend" and some from "Supposing Roses."  Of course, if anyone decides that the Christmas "Not So Silent Night" Poetry Show is the perfect place to get pointlessly political, I'll have to pull something from my hoary arsenal in "Black Champagne."  Time will tell what fools these mortals be....

UPDATE: Went on second for the evening after Dan Weeks. This precluded any "revenge" political poetry--which was called for by one and all. Only Anthony displayed a spirit of bipartisanship--by casting Bill O'Reilley as the Grinch, but having his heart grow at the end of the tattling tale. Dems and "thems" are instructed to embrace "peace on earth."

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Black Champagne--Political Poetry Collection

Contumelious Carter by the author

"Black Champagne" is a collection of ostensibly political poems. The motivation was a series of conversations and fights with friends over the 2004 Presidential race--an invidiously contested election. The casuistry and baseless claims of the one side, and the patriotic posturing of the other left much sour mercury in the mouths of the electorate. This is my acid contribution to that wad of spit.

Now available at

T-Shirt is also available with that conniving Jimmy Carter saying "The American Revolution was an unnecessary war."

Supposing Roses Published on

Final Edit

“Supposing Roses” is finally done—
each blossom hacked and thorn shellacked.
What had grown lovely in my release from loneliness
is now packed back into perfected sonnets
—raw squares that define and defile.
Artifice filled out the feeling a kiss first insisted.
I gussied up the ghost with dresses,
rhetoric’s high fashions, and, after,
stripped the pickings at my sex’s insistence.
Naked and dated she lay there like a final draft.
None of her winsome tussle was left in her.
Inert and silent, she awaits a reader,
the dazzling sequins of approbation,
the instructor’s star or apt remark,
tender repeat of touch and tongue.
Her backside’s bare and brazen as an existentialist.
What words she uses are more music than meaning.
I lay beside her loosely—mute, inutile.

Finished the poetry collect "Supposing Roses."  It is available at
In other news, working on the mostly political collection "Black Champagne."


Saturday, April 30, 2005


From website



This is it!

"Hang on to my glistening wings!"
— Gregg Glory

Gregg Glory

Published by BLAST PRESS


The Human Immortal
Slaves of Glory
Shouts of Blankness
Acrobat at Prayer
"A Jellyfish"
Or However the Weather Tends
New Day
Ghost Prince
Bella Belle Isabella
Elegy Avenged
When that the Trem-bling Pen
Coleridgean Errata
The Bells of St Mary's
What Love
What Age
Sonnet: for P. B. Shelley, Bay of Lerici
Jazz Skeletons
Blank Generation or, the Death of the Muse, No, Hardly
Why I Like Wet
Lyric Licked
"A Saint is in the Eye..."
My Pardons, My Praises
Prayer. Again.
New Year
Kiss this Bliss
"I'm Seein' Life in Debravision"
"Jes' Tryin' ta Tell a Vision"
Shakespeare Writes It
"O How has this World, this Vacant Vacant World"
Day in Heaven
Conformity is the Crime
A Summoning

The Human Immortal

The sovereign Poet, who's awakened gasp
Flows out from infinite soul to soul along
As arrowy moonbeams, unmixed and strong,
Sweeten with brightness the dusts of snow
In architecture-yielding light,--
Lacking the telling word his feeling shows
Kills whatever of sorrow or delight
His paradise-enhancing tongue might build
Or more mindful heart would clasp.

In our soft light of winter-time
When no bird is in the bough
And yon black yew is strung with frozen lime
At walk I heard a single nightingale
Thronging the wood with nightingale's song
Resurrecting Spring that summer burned to this:
No tindered spirit in the leaf but emptiness.
To bind in eternal being --- paradoxical Love! ---
Even in coffers small as a nightingale's heart--
What the mad, fragile, passing world has spent.

Straining faces may seem immortal
But it is desire that makes the skull a portal!
Thus in joyance Joyance does pursue,
And to give and take in pleasure is pleasure's all;
For from the living the living voice is never parted--
No psalm spoken but gentle-hearted,
As though some aching mystery of LIFE and DEATH
Moves through human hearts, and steals breath,
Touching a veil trembled
In a wind anticipated.

When to this stormy world, this realm of lightnings
One electric mortal comes conducting
Awful powers whose careless touch enhances
The deadest things to life, as paper-ashes thrown
From the wild static of an ecstatic hand
Or when a rainbow aura's stabbing crown
On an X-Ray rears far brighter than the bone,
---Take, take that hand! No matter how alone
And however whitened fear, and draining lips,
Or other breathless augury eclipse,
Still take that hand--- and crush it to your own!

I am awake in the radiant frameless day!
Unbounded beginnings start and renew
What severer sleep and longer dream forgot--
The dragon-draught forced past blue pinched lips
Ignorant of everything save God's solemn name;
A coarser sovereign than my slipping sun!
For the dream-vision and dream-life at noon
Wax alive in the weeping vision that we tear.
Rapt with vision, what I now on the hour require
Is burning love singing in a burning choir.

Slaves of Glory

The very astonishing hour has come.
The very astonishing hour indeed!
Green Heinekens, jade brain and rose-coral vodkas
--Exhausted! In one final, fantastic evening.

Hosannahs invade the empty windows,
spurs of blacks, mysterious
As the tender invitation of the body.

Bright, alcoholic after-haloes sift
Timid ash upon stale, upraised lips.

Sobriety has entered us
As mourners enter a white church.

Enough of this pathetic quietness!
This simpering, dog-like wish for 'temperament,'
The madness of faces full of 'sound judgment.'
I forgive all disasters, all accomplishments,
Every disguise that announces 'I am finished!'
Choking its inhabitant as a mirror chokes beauty.
Songs of sporadic intensity, wicked verses,
The poem of flayed skin, blind eyesight,
Mutes imagining laughter, I forgive you!

Pathetic quiet!
Bring tympans, wild sibilants,
Drunken elephants of sound, mists,
the harsh clangour of brass.

New eyes, new hearts, new senses!
Bring a speech of bloods, the invention of Angels!
Why was one ever afraid of waking?
Eh! a little daydream I had in the haypile.

But now the new era has arrived --this moment!--
Let us revenge the sky for an hour!

Let us run out, muds of new births upon us,
And seize in hands of ice the very flowing waters----
Dreams of incorporeal perfection!

Dawn-leaves splinter in my eye
Enacting the death of Satan.

Vertigineousness in the closet!

Very astonishing!

Shouts of Blankness

When nothing is left but divinity
And each man shouts to the next: "Look!
We are become the human angels!"
Wings made fabulous-- disasters surpassing

Abominable, the bricks of this image.
All will be re-constructed, in Paradise.

At the discretion of no God
Do I spin and unfurl;

What is the hypothesis of passion?
The inextricable answer in the diamond.

"I am the unnamable silver,
past continuation,
I march beyond continent and clime.
I sing without vocable glitter."

A death that was reasonable shimmers
Shining ignored in a dirty jade pool.

Men will that day become?
Men will that day become?
Tales and fables melt to insignificance;
Palaces disappear in a maze of flames.
Men will that day become what?

I woke up in an ecstatic ditch;
I don't know very much about it.

The disingenuous suffer overmuch.

The rhetoric of Democracies!

Very commendable!

And after the Sousas and oompahs....
And after the senses to emphasize
what blankness?


no toiling rose, but this:


Extinguish it! Eyes resigned, spirit limned
In greenest defeat--lick exaltation and brew
A world-- a world renewed; by you, by you!
My soul as template spiral hurls the sullen ash
From the charred coil of broken eyes blinded.
Lift the spirit eyes wasted tears have spurned,
Envision the sacred spirit of man-- for all!
It is a glory heralded out of defeat's smokes,
In formless flame engulfing the sculpted light
Each soul alone uplifts illimitable,
Chaliced hearts eternally bleeding desire
As sacral skies dissolve in light eternal,
Alight in love alighting!


O champions vaulting nights gone everlastingly
Far into lording realms of divinest light,
See as I see all things beloved, no longer
A swollen testament to wrong, but loved & saved
As only this soul beside me is saved--


O saviors who ride astride the centuries glow
Heralding glories of each living thing
Parleying the rose above rose's smudged light
Into unblinded eye's greatest might & right,
Forever the reds in ecstatic verity remain
Sincerer than universes by nobility's sum


O immortal beloveds inscribe your soul upon me,
As I have seen it in unspent visions granted
By right of ravishment-- consciousness supreme!
O Poets, immortal lords of ME, sweetly draw
That light and limber vision that I see
In your eyes re-souled as they have drawn it on my own.


O my Soul, o my rose! burning vision
In ecstatic clarity reclaiming loves
Unlost in the votive moment
And candled in the champion's heart, indeed!
Make me more bright, let all myself allow
Light alone to enter unto eternity by my
Will, the will of my consciousness construed.
Here the leaf, here the sparrow unfallen
Skirl aloft in tangential glories of soul's one repose!--
Calling down the blessing waterfalls of Byron's soul
By light to limb unfurled in this dawning moment.


No God, no outworn lords of dust look down
Upon spiring chance's swift instant, only
Effortless universes filling times illimitable;
Lightnings tendered in daybreak auras
Revive the angels, undust the wings!
No foul universe can inhabit my glory;
Out of lone luminescents comes glory's
My light in rosaries' tendered opalescence.
Come touch the hand I have created for touching!


No god, but I who revive the spirit,
Deigning the invisible winds of heaven's breath
That command the heart beat and my loves beget.
Inceptive kisses befall the poet's lips---
Paradise! offering all greatness sustained!
Out of my holy mouth blossoms the soul of you!


O indivisible!


I will! and my will be done.
Lording tongues above all creation
Forever this minute's moment create.
Yes! Speak and speak again! My will
Unveiled and real-- the living borne.


Let bright be the place of thy soul!
Skimmed minutes and parcels of light
Like sparks flung from divinest sight---
No coal smokes the heart of the blest
But visions immortal deigning flame to the rest!
O winners! Not sinners! O blessing be
Of Good thy soul discloses in thee!


O Glory immortal, grace seeking purest form
Lies bestowed upon hearts made holy
In the astonished realms, raving hope remaining.
Golden senses in fervent adore enlighten infinity,
Conceived in dearling virtues untamed!
Reflections revel brightly-- the pride of princes:
New beauties, once viewless, now forever immortal!


The unbound revelations of prophecy unfold--
Behold the champions' eyes unblinded by gold!
An angel whispers her soul into hearts
Divining miracles from heavens' dust--
My angel!-- spun winning from heavens disclosed,
Sighing alive into the purl of my soul.


Behold my glorious tone discased from alone!
Sparring lights advance against the dashes--
Dispelling black ghosts, dispersing all ashes--
Upswept in trined clouds, lights everliving!
Tornadoes of fire torch forgotten woes:
Choiring ecstasies respire: True Life!
Infinities sanctify eternal ages, unbroken
From cities of saints I sanction, exhumed!


A call to heart, saints and lords link arms!
Undeniable in new light, these truths inscribed
From an unrivalled shrine-- creating all!--
From purer hearts' undying sublime.
Glory! O glory, Come to this!
Come douse hands and douse hearts and all of love's love
Into whatever the pleasures of will will decide!
Exist as I exist, I command thee all:
Breathe thy light, take heart for your all!


As I found this, I give it,
With no reserve in my soul!


Allow one more flurry of ecstatic verity--
As light allows no shadow on its soul
But, unconsuming, alights, consuming all.
A disembodied ghost imparts this holy sight
In solitary flame of truth departing the night.

Lord Dermond/Saint Gregg G

O lyric genius, to grow ecstatically one!!


"Me house gots no door,
Me door no house;
All day me sweetheart
Trapses in and owt.

Fire's in d' kitchen,
No kitchen to clean;
I fry an' I boils
What best pleases me.

Me bed's got no trestle,
Me trestle no bed;
No landlubber sleeps
On no happier head.

Me cellar's up high,
Me barn's The Deep;
All ass-over-noggin'
I lay me down to sleep.

All sharp and blinkin'
I'm up at a race;
At no place I'm stoppin',
Me stoppin's no place."

Acrobat at Prayer

could be more limber, in the gold-
edged frame of this cancelled post-
card from Notre Dame
cathedral where
people crawl on their sagging knees
to eat the brittle, little pieces
of their savior?

A God beloved
in the house his lovers built for him
after death.

"A Jellyfish"

A jellyfish
is enough, a wish
willed from vapor, condensed
to a quiver beneath
the bright, lacelike
vail that sedates
the eye that watches
the gem of its innards.


Having joked for so long
Now that the point is near my heart
And all my premises scratched back to start,
I wonder at the humor ripped from song
That has left me houseless as I belong---
A final joke of sorts.

The birth-cannon that breaks my bread
Scalds this quiescent heart
And sets named dignity aflame;
Ach! My aching head!
Better living livid than dying dead.
For my poor alderman's chalked part

In the passing play,
I'll resign dead generations of fame.

Or However the Weather Tends

I have been by your tempests overtaken
And wallow waterlogged in your waves' swales
Whose salt in tender licks my mouth
Opens thirsting for.... Drowned by years
Of loving whatever your love abandons here
On the constant beaches of my devotion.
Not one pebble turns from the spray away
Or hesitates to douse itself in you.


Beyond the fell pace of antelopes
Lost to sight in the cold engulfing woods
Where hot hounds give ululating chase, up slope
And deep into the dimmest mossy fold---
There my mind in ranting rage unwinds
And knows the sharp sorrow of each bitten thing
And falls with the great hart in bludgeoned love;

New Day

Companions of my mellow youth
Bound by circumstance to squeak wry truths
In awkward dartings of darkened tongues!
They themselves forget
How greatly were their wits
Distended--- for age has this much blessing:
That we forget our misdemeanors
As so much chaff's fretted away
And retain the golden grain that we consume
Day by day, by eating making new.

Ghost Prince

Pale wraithe in autumn's fuming!
I gave up poetry long ago for these cavillings....
Oh Autumn, my beautiful companion

Bella Belle Isabella

Her silvered eyes entranced the moon, leapt bare
From dim cornice to swept heaven, stared
The moon-man from his stirless rest
By fibers of affection bound him breast to breast.
So Isabella charmed each element she met,
Bent to calm waters, and made those waters crest
As she were the moon come down to trod the wood
And with luminous looks set whispers among the reeds.
The wind that swept her sighed away enthralled;
And crickets kept her steps enshrined with hymns;
Birds added wondrous silent powers to their calls
And marked her visit solemnly, like small dignitaries trimmed;
Sweet berries shook themselves to roll along her palm
And of those moon-liveried lips have some taste
Before they of their giving taste gave all.

Elegy Avenged


Autumn has pruned your star from heaven
With unforgiving shears snapped the sweet light out---
Who but God can count the odd stars from even?
Or know by looking the straight man from the lout?
All that moves progresses only by seeming
As a wheel that cannot touch the earth revolves
In a mind of fire, by circles of its dreaming.
So you, I think, were not from or into the heavens
But gave loving light to all, which darker heavens lent.


No Transcendental Impulse but then
Invaded, sense by sense, and sense by senseagain!

Confused, harassed, stammering, half-mad,
I arrived at a mountain stream's small source alone
Whose each mere moment of dropping flowing
By dropping more intensely flows. Heart's-blood
Stuttered along the tongue of solvent air
Following out the stream's wanderings apace
As if my liquid's hush through every cataract
And canyon-enhancing rivulet did move;
What weariness then penetrated every limb
Which had flung itself the whole blue morning through
Like a ceaseless wheel! I lay a lonesome hour
Upon a table of stone spined just so long
As myself from dead heel to skull-top
Imagining its travel! By my veins
The moss-indentured rock with iron force
Is cracked, a hammering flow enveloping the mass
With pale empurplings and smooth-prompting bulbs of glass
That maturer nature had given a more rugged touch.

So I lay sun-warmed upon that human stone,
Neither foot nor head beyond its grating cradle,
Until all that made me I un-made
Then wove again together in eye and ear;
As if sunlight spoke and sound gave voice in light,
All these before me in hazeless dazzle floated free
And I consigned them to their Liberty!
My rushing emerging blood swept past
Cochlea and ear-drum in bird-like thrum:
Stream on stream ascended purer air in song
Til all was bathed by part, the unaccustomed whole
Of oceans leaping from my spring! each martlet that sang
Told some note of me; myself had stained
Sky's unstarred majesty with pinks, and in a wink
Sent each sense sharpened as it spread
From azure zones of whispered fire
To the old pond's own cool shadow of repose
Til every busy sound was somewhat tinged with red
And every shifting leaf, dew-shadowed as they were,
Burned outlined by that bright delight
Their own laughing motion shucked from them in sound.

Then a purple rain, it seemed, descended
In answering haloes shaken from the sun
And broke in its descent to mist, hallowing all.
No part of the under-sky receded
From that pursuant touch,-- but rather
Rose to its own undoing in erotic rapture
As drones to their honey-loving maiden-queen
Lift translucent wings in flight;
Leaf and leaf in murmuring applause
Stretched on each twig-end toward that sky!
The stone that held my casing seemed more up-raised
And the low appearance of the swimming sun
Took on a duskier and a closer tone
As if it wished to immerse itself again!
Strange mist was everywhere, endowing each
Glowing glen that lay as little as a lens.
Strange mist had wrapped the very bowsprit of the rock!
My own skin was mist-engrafted!
Within, my own departing heart,---
So whirled with-in and -out with the luminous,---
As pulsant globe and center now resolved.

And on this thought my mind no longer moved,
By spells of rapt intransigence inly held,
Til all that had its faultless action once impelled
Conjoined to conjure pause; sweet was the wind
That kissed my aching lungs with such sweet breath!
All piny, with some sunny hawthorne scenting mixed,
---Even still that air is fresh within me,
Even still do I desire the clearness I had then!---
For one hour's welter of such unwon wealth!---
For then I had found out-- in clearness still
Do I see it!-- motive of moon and sun and sincerer stars,
Our perpetual guest, the unsullied source of glory
That limned my out-flowing veins in rivers'-light!
Out, out of the very center where my spirit slept
Flood called out to flood and flood responded
Out-pouring Life! there, there are the harmonies!
There the endless systems counted back to One!
There the measureless Space contented
To a water-drop! There echoings on echoings
By their velvet source are hushed!
Anguish and insistence vanquished by a touch!
Nightmares and chimeras chastized by a love
The soul's own shaping power makes animate!


Great accomplishment great regret has brought;
A city of sighs pent in a full-teneted breast
Exhale in languishment! The moony dawn
Slow moves from verge of blue to greener rays
As the heart up-bourne by dark and dark deceits
In reality's plain day now lighter grows
To whiteness --- and is lost among
the hopeless snows.

When that the Trem-bling Pen

When that the trembling pen in hesitation stalls
Putting blots on thought's most precious spree
Clotting what had sung one soul's simple all
With bandages of indecision on thought's flow-free
Of singing blush and crimson victory....
Over all blanche competitors palely lame
Come reds revanching by tongue's sincerity,
Completing luck with hues of highest sun.


Hilarious was the night Coleridge and Wordsworth knew....
At the angst-incisive beginning of their pogrom for bliss,
all the bad old poets the Juden that they'd strew
to the picnic bonfire blazing---
each soul-protesting, regurgitated face
another indictment in the long, wrong roll of Fame;
Shelley himself the fir-apple in the fire they grew!
They drank until their syllables burst with light,
Kubla Coleridge chanting his politician's heart
in Krystall Nacht clarity under the shadows that they threw:
"The mind is like a Humming-Bird
Invisible & furious, aloft & true!
Imaging epileptic Translucence,
Tho' held in God's rosy lips like a Word."

Coleridgean Errata

Love and Innocence alone let Duty live
In Coleridge's lonesome, holy book,
Finding Jesus entwined in ivy
Or God in a sparrow's nook.

The Bells of St Mary's

Sweetly beat the bells of St Mary's
Over all the pasturage;
Ignorant souls and weary
Come gather at the meeting-edge.
When ever was body and its wreck
Home enough for what the spirit seeks?
The great clock has run down
And fair and foul are mixed;
Come where the bower's sweetly blown,
Come wind the clock-hands round again.
Come wind the bell of the old clock tower.

Sweet are the bells that beat St Mary
To bright sky and mournful cow;
Sweet are the hands that row the ferry,
The backs that pull the plow.
Work of the back can bring liberation
From too-great ache and half-starved
Candlelit concentration.
The great clock has run down
And fair and foul are mixed;
Come wind the clock-hands round again;
Come wind the bell of the old clock tower.

Sweet is knowledge for the weak
Who cannot tell what they are,
Mind and misery sunk in tar.
My heart is fathered in such soot
Unable to reckon either 'good' or 'truth.'
At midnight soul work begins.
Come sweet ladies of St Mary's
For the hands are running back,
Come wind the clock-hands round again
That beat the swollen face and rend skin.
Come wind the bell of the old clock tower.

What Love

What love can know its underpinning,
Cause and causeless are so whirled?
What horse that canters at the gate
Stamp assured of the final winning?
Often what is best starts late---
The midnight pilgrim has her prayers heard
Before the dawning bird's.

What Age

How rhetoric-filled the evening slumbers!
All sky a dark anticipated; trees
Grown dark under stars that increase the dark.
And midnight waters cannot glimmer
When gathered into an eye of age;
So despair councils; mute birds averr.

Now deep in years at the water's edge
And lacking all right light to disclose,
Must I stand grown cold yet convince, propound
That all lovers' hearts but beat to a purpose
That Love herself is profound and good
At once simple and deep (O lost and found!)
Or soul an angel raging in a cage
God had lost the key to unlock?

For I do feel both in bone and look
Heroic champions of more forgotten blood
Rise through the veins, charge vein and mind and glance
As glory consumes imagination
When timid skeleton's dispensed.
All whirls upon a moment in a dance!


Sweet was the passion, and the vision sweet;
Thought heralded out what one heart imbued.
Sparse charges of insistence neglectfully gather
Whatever willow leaves shiver in autumn waters....
How all the unpulsed skeleton is left bereft!
Now watching out the winter, to dazzle us in snow.
Congruence is for loafers -- even saints have loafed!--
Lovingly gazing at God in that silver shower.
We lived in the tyrrany of loving what we knew.

Briars on his hands, briars on his head!
Now some terrible moment is coming to its bliss,
Unconsummated hearts are burning, and the old
Shatter into slivers of this THIS--
Everything unpreparedly is turning gold!
Somehow our own souls must know, prescient
By their bliss, we are all that we pretend!
God, Man, Beast, Himself has his rosy shadow lent,
Sweet briars on my hands, briars on my head!

Sonnet: for P. B. Shelley, Bay of Lerici

Here silk hope crumbled, the rough hand decayed
That charged imagination's sweet heresy
As if man's knotted mind had coyly played
Its final line like Shelley on the Lerici--
Infinite in the instant's autumn ecstasy
Despite of Death's splay yaw and indecision.
Though human and immortal, no human grace he
Found. Till flesh foundered he met derision
Only. Then spirit's keen herald need meet the call--
Flashing imperious light where e're he dwelled.
Burst free from body's bounds he broke his thrall
To time and space, though quickened bells knelled
Einstein's circularity to his spirit's ash:
He roared alone the universe entire, all its call and crash!
Daniel Weeks
Gregg G. Brown

Jazz Skeletons

Simple men pursuing sawn-off strings of sound,
Such bright, abstract things,
Sumped on the spirit's lavender elixir.

Silver drubbed the drums. Ho-humm, ho-humm.

Washed out of wishes and livid, endearing things
They came, the men of vital evening
Pipped silkwise with green melodious coffinings.

Catarr, catarr, snarled the blackish guitar.

Tripleted they spat, in spic array, lunar sojourners
Cresting the spurious evening, and, ear by ear,
Ascended the profoundest bass effusive and exact,
near the waterheater.

Blue-blackish thrubbed the muddy bass in blubs.

Men made simple in the mimic minute of the spirit's leavetaking
August imaginers in the moon's hollow light
Sculpt skeletal, plead out of prismatic catacombs

Such swooning, harmonious things.

Blank Generation or,
the Death of the Muse, No, Hardly

Defeated by the paraphrase, or nearly,
He puzzled out a dwindled life in poetry
Who, perennial importunist, assessed
His era unfit for "the best."

Defeated by the paraphrase,
The inexact guesswork of sleepy heads,
Eyes closed and empty mouths upraised---
Fit for execution or their communion of lead.

Spackled cadavers in mottled light
Recite lines of despair, never knowing another,
Never sensing, in their age's indifference, another
More enduring light.

No longer
The Ariel feeling
Or whipping spirit stronger
Than an evening's reeling.
Untouched by the amorous,
Goes Eros, incomprehensible
To "the masses."

Hieratic verse,
Each head limned in light,
Suffers the obverse,
Blotted rummagings of a blotted sight.

Yet still they felt, with a savior's amour,
Neither drugged hedonist, nor yet a bore,
Limitless possibilities
Like so many leaves
Clinging to the ancient portal's wetted door.

The percipient shall rule, discerning
'Neath modernity's fractious overlay
Here an emerald, there a ruby, thing:
Sustenance enough for poets in the ruby day.

The age demanded an image,
Bland, unthinking, dull scrimmage;
Never the descent of Angelic fate,
Making impossible their unwaking retreat.

Not a mirror to the muses' face,
Not Ariel, limitless in grace;
Never divinity, never the light angelus,
Nor any, still ephemeral, "sublimities."

The age demanded an image
Rapped in cellophane or bandage,
A brain of eaten hates, or laughter
Soulless out of deadened waters.

Villains are feted in peeling shoes, and garlanded
Is Ginsolds, the great damaged head
Thrust into the atmosphere,
Impercipient, the small eyes dead in their spheres.

Seeing in earth neither paradise, nor fit habitation,
The Ginsolds of his father's scabrous generation,---
Monumental dinosaurs of the heart,---
Researched dung and drugs for their start;

At first, a religious pre-occupation
Made them stare at Sunflowers and feces,
Purporting maculate Bhudda in the rose
Of an anus in dilation.

Tarry pools
Accept their coral bones,
Steeped in excesses
Of the incorrect and religious.

And no one left to give a damn about "the Graces,"
And the reviewers live on, indifferent;
Slaughtered Beauty shot in the face;
Apollo and Bacchus hanged in the neon marketplace;
Cold feet under etherial faces.

When all the world shall kneel
At this bright whisper,
Striving with unapt paws
To strip the golden spirit down, or unpeel,
No heaven shall listen;

Silence shall be their first reparation;
Paid or unpaid, the soul's discourse discloses
Itself, thrumming after no repatriation
To a nation, clotted, with whores and doses.


Black orchids on the red door;
Fitfully the raconteur
Consigns the ownership of elegance
For a few hundred dollars, for a "superior" glance.

Black orchids on the red door
Mark the poet's stipulated habitat.
Depression afflicts; he begins to yawn....
Stretching away from the world with a bored 'eclat.'

Exhausted by his meditations on the black
Orchids on the red door, of a few, niggard, dark,
Striations intermit with rose;
Guilty only, in his ichorous lair,

Of a certain
Kempt Baudelarian repose.


Ginsolds of the foetid spawn
Patched with no forgotten pulchritudes--
Vulgar paucity faintly echoed
In the weak light of decline.

Mr H. (insert your name here), possessed of an
anesthetized soul
Blathers his useless abstraction,
A tongue-tying of half-felt immolations---
Unendurable! if not so falsely done.

Enslaved imbecility defiling life,
A sycophancy supremely mired,
Never to ring in celestial essence,
Or inhere, in patches, to glory's sculpting light!!

The age demands an image,
The image that we give it!
Chiselled tongues of thunder rung
In rising airs rained innocence!

We demand the eternal image,
Absolute, inscribed, violet, blessed,
Suffering only self-made Gods bleeding divinities---
Intensities of existence intensifying infinite!


Apollo and Bacchus hanged in the neon marketplace;
Cold feet under etherial faces.

Bore-ed by the lack of temerity,
Slack desire suborning the bandannaed faces
Of hippies contented by Peace, and not Energy;
Marijuana leaves placidly
Shading the crib and high-chair.

Bored by the lack of passion
Expanded bank accounts conferred upon their elders
Lacking still the capacity, it seemed, messrs,
To "cope;" they craved the indelible in action.

100 punks, or fewer, or one,
Concoct out of impossible desire impossible reality:
Burning ambitions in Waldorf St, or SoHo's zone,
Shed from the aether
These symphonies.

With a tongue of justice,
With an eye of fire,
With an ear made fabulous
By beloved mind's one wept flame: desire.

Rotten's masquerades,
Sid's pinioned victory,
The burboned voice of Hell establishing "blankness" as
In a world floating valueless; incisive,
the eye of ice.

Aching faces brave the astonishing light,
Asserting TRUTH in ecstatic sanction;
Our redemption was individual,
London our capitol.

Our "decade" compressed to " '77!"
We acknowledged, as aftereffect, a fey, uneven
"inheritance" of "reticence."

Youth as a remembered depravity
Gives no living soul satisfaction; relentless
Sojourning away from their parents' questioning
Consigned to them the "aridity" of bliss.

* * * *

When dust hath hushed the roses,
Unmeditating silence
This crimson-cerise splinter of song

On time's blank slate
Lick this, and relate:
"Here twists,
with upraised fist,
An Anarchist!"


Indelible bloods
Arise heroic rose
Each love a sung
Sempiternal sun.

Exile first the inconsequent,
The casual hand,
Speech procured at secondhand,
Opinions possessed for an "effect."

Recast ANAKE as the actor's whim:
Vital eyes
Outweep all that tragic circumstance,
Lear and Cordelia locked in paradise.

Catastrophe hacked at Hector
In his skirt, but the Eumenides
Themselves were mild when Antigone died,
Singing at a string-end in the tomb's lee.

Become Promethean, to this purpose:
Amid lesser qualities, personalities and such,
Swimming in unexamined idolatries, personalities and
Inscribe what I equate: Man = universe.


Philosophers of stone
Ungainly shift,
By love's bright drift

Of unbodied air
Came spirits' enhancing;
Never a Dunciad
But angels' hearts made glad.

Impeccable sirs
They discerned
Spit in sand.


I knew that the spirit of the day was endless, its eyes

The Human New

Arctic flowers, barbaric sky,
Spic trumpets and limitless eye....
The human new emerges
Spectrumless, aloft, scroogeless--
Filling willing belief
With dogmatic aperitifs.

"Sand and Eyesore Verse"

Sand and eyesore verse
---Swift, immutable, impure
Ageless symmetry
Illimitable--- Eternity---
I never lost you
Still regal & tru


To the lapsing shores of cold criticism I came,
Now so out of love to overwhelm.
The wounded heart, spilling grief,
Sustains nothing: useless life.
Perversely in the air God was hung,
Perversely still in air has man sung.
I never saw the animal
Who grieved and sighed
"It is in myself, withal,
That I live and die!"
By this trembling breath of mine I soliloquize,
In death's despite, the fair, the beautiful and the wise.


I desire everything!
Nor would change my state
With angel-birds to prate
Among God's clouds the everlasting things.


When I, listening, hear
The bird-word "above"
I merely deem it to mean
"With others," which seems
Paradise enough for Love.

Wrecked Beast

I never saw the animal
Who grieved and sighed
"It is in myself, withal,
That I live and die!"

The Sinister is in Us

The sinister is in us, and wins
Whenever we unfurl and think 'sin.'
Otherwise there is nothing
But a troublous something
And joy and destruction again.

The Phoenix Fixed

Far birds reflect the inner cymbal,
Brass winds chime;
Santa Ana linguistics limber
My longing soul to
Libertine Liberty----

In Congress

Blinked, deluded, new-
Minted by the philosophic shift
Of words in the House, I lift
My sunsteady voice to every wind's spew.

New Newt

Unerring Newt
Did, daring, confute
Philanderers and sophists
Serving unwatered Liberty,
no twist.

In Temperance
I've cannibalized my heart for the sake of a few sacred

This life is the record of
My harshest acts.
No gentle psalm moves
Through lordlings of love
Out of this coruscating breast.


God, liquor & love
Never deceive the dove
That hovers in clover clouding
This supremest chest.

Torrents of roaring---
Heroic echoes upbourne
In the chime of a stolen dawn
UNBORN-- this minute--
still lorn--

Why I Like Wet

All these longshoremen of the heart can go fuck

O water water aching blue and bright
Get that little scubagirl up to the light--
Prayers are ashes when heaven is wet:
O lonely little scubagirl, fly up to my net!

My heart is full of candy roses,
My hand's a daisy patch;
I bless all runny noses 'cuz
I hope one blessing hers will catch.

O little aqua lycra scubagirl
You swim in my adriatic heart's red swirl.

Lyric Licked

Love and longing live for light---
It is a torch's tempted touch
Comes to candle conscious sight,
Komes in kicking blisters-- it is too much!

My love and longing endure a night;
Every luminescence shut
when she blinks against the light.

"A Saint is in the Eye..."

A saint is in the eye
that sees thee
Upholding light
impatient skies descend--

Blue litmus insert
bedeviling a patched wold
Changeless spirits inherit and descry
a lice-bed.

Infinitely dark trees
shade the scree-
Shaped cynosure-- adoring Life!

Crying bloods leak down
a marble eye
In thirsting wish seeing
Perched at the white clasp
of your throat
Charging the plush surge
velvet time blots

--- in violet time reprised!

My Pardons, My Praises

Betraying heroes makes me increase myself

My pardons, my praises,
My mud-racked, modern dazes
And all whiter, sublimer rhyme
And higher, more crescent time
Forgot-- damn them, and toss the lot!

Now I speak of mystery
Who sees none anywhere, but me;

Myself the selfsame jackanapes
Risen from prison of late

Of morning-soul's dark-even'd
Sleep-tortured and riven

Prayer. Again.

Naked angels who watch my spirit, weep
As I have wept, and still this vigil keep.
For purer love has never in its season
Been given than this I give unease in.
O Disquiet! Come hallow this soul of me
Forged between an ariel halo listing in fire
And sultry dusts spurring restlessnesses.
Come shift my spirit's solidity-- as mist
Arisen to sun's atomizing power
Lifts to brighter character by its change of state.

New Year

How sweet the blossom shouts the winter's over
In cannonades all of yellow love
Starring a ground still downy
As if summer suns outswept the inaugural day.

How dawn's above this starling stalk uncertain
Which of the light is bearer and receiver!


In us is only this insistent surge
Incapable of calming!
It is ever-renewing and ever-alarming!
Sweet as the winter's quickening
For Unforgotten Spring!
Sweet as Summer's hungering
For Autumn's quickened cooling...!

All Airs all Objects all Elements conspire
To re-invent Life as but a single Desire!
All fire-quick and heart-aloft
As if to live were a speeded trance
No Eye, no Heart, no Splendour could enchant
To any, more docile, slowness than this:
To race large eons into seconds, or hurl
Blooming minutes into aspiring words,
Exploding Black Heaven with their own dear light!
Challenging the Skies in innumerable Words!

Kiss this Bliss

Prevalent Bliss, kick the sinisters!
Ashes in my ears, burn back to blisters---
Cyanide eyes, so pious in lit sin,
No place is my place when you hide;
Got to flame you out tonight, aye eye!
This insidious whisper is the glory one
Makes me talk a universe out of a lonely one.
I build myself by black prayer, eye and ear:
So loud and tall and true I am at once
I stare God's eye to shatters; and hear.

"I'm Seein' Life in Debravision"

Parted lovers met on life's intervening strand:
Close in love, and closer still in loving.
Pearled light held the near angels' adoring,
Angelic in reflection of love's uplifted brand.

"Jes' Tryin' ta Tell a Vision"

All these unlimited ministries glisten
Ingeniously-- lights capitulating to lights'
Increasing haloes.
So her face
Angelus limitless from lips to unpinned hair
In my heart radiates life
Until every limb lies annealed
And even my fingers infect the spring with joy
Teaching each sweet bird its flight
From high height to highest!

Purloined glories from my smashing chest
Accept no council
Neither fear nor philip of wit
Nor care of any creepy pink thing
But plunging on in their own bewildered wonderment
Scroll out 'til stars pile up
Making earth's envisioning air
Seem the thinnest ribboning.

Shakespeare Writes It

Although my love's made for joy
I taste black ashes at my lips;
For I am pining sick in love
And love is all my remedy.

For love but wounds to cure
By wounding giving cure, cured to wound again!
I am an apostle of that ecstasy
And still cannot the deadly sweet
Of love's maddened sweat forget.

Such is love's mystery
When we lie abed
Who would give heart's cure
Must first stitch heads.

Though love is brief, on my hurt I meditate
And find all ill who all-wished for sweet;
One heart, my own, unowned
Like a drop of salt-sweet spray
Cold oceans of feelings shows.

Oh still to be a human thing alone!

"O How has this World, this Vacant Vacant World"

O how has this world, this vacant world,
Once all ascension in the childhood realms
Miraculous as sky's propoundless blue
Whose clouds in heaped divinity shed
Simple verity like the clear and simple rain
On every causeless confusion swirled beneath
Stripped itself of all it gave and gives,
Leaving me airless, abandoned, here?
Ah! this feeling is a grave in nature's face
My heart, turned spade, keeps thrusting in!
The corpse of Hope, and lapse of faith,
Of all rarer deity are now constrained
To whatever dicking thing may bleat
Within this shrunken horizon's orison.
Oh, my noble spirit, lashed by black tongues
To the chiggering prayer of a worm!
You, that would arise for fire as for breath
In a world transformed beyond imagination
As Death transfigures spirits who have shed
The sticking Lash of Life! Hear this my plea:
I stand aghast in splendid disarray,
In spirit bereft, in body weak and poor,
Now, as once, tensile, rich, and sure.

Day in Heaven

And who shall live in these new cities of fresh Liberty, able
as irises, solemn bluebells, tittering at the grit
dragged in through the slant doors sundays....

Martyrs of vocable plunder! Unhinge the lost oblongs of
souls, splayed past the sun's reeling keel to enter
here. Barnacles of heart stuck to World's underpinning!

Martyrs, storms of whores, myself among them,
miniskirted and with a face of bright rouge: myself, myself!

Is it so terrible being a visionary? Spilled martinis on
the chartreuse tablecloth, cold haloes, the glasses akimbo.

Everything akimbo that would give my soul a face and name!

Noble martyrdom. Another face in the glass.

2. These Cathedrals
These cathedrals sunken in the architecture of the chest!
Heart-aches and minarets of wish! Forgetting
everything in an attempt to remember myself....
How cold the palace is after the furniture burned.
That bonfire of couches! The ceiling hovers lower
with its thumbprint of smoke.--

Blood covered the jewelry chest; sapphires licked thin
bloods. Pearls, their opalescent charms not
desiccated-- enriched even by the lined flow of
blood holding each white globe from beneath as
delicately as a child's eye floats in its reddened
eyelid, dripping, dripping, dripping....

3. The Three Magi
I took the last, royal step.... King of my fierce heart,
lounging in his leaded crown, discarding clove
cigarettes into the golden O fish-mouths of
ashtrays, sent me a straight look out of paired
chilled blue eyes. It was the look of an abyss. Sheer
ice, serene. Pupils black as the welt from a scorpion,
full of ecstatic poison and preening to burst the
skin. It wants nothing of the body. Nothing.
Nothing of the flawed fable of humanity. I kicked
its face. Spat, resisted. My screams deprived alpine
birds of their air. He almost smiled.

He came to me, drenched from the midnight swim, an
adolescent of exceeding glory. I stared into the
mirror he bore on his filigreed breast, the nipples
dark, hard, and cold as cherries.

But all of these visions are mortal! Bloodsoaked, blood-
drugged; full gutters swooning with plush bloods;
alabaster eyelids getting redder and more sodden as
these torments roll on to the identical, dirty ending.

5. Intro
What songs do the dead sing, revelling in air or immortal?

What choir from the caskets will open our hearts,
returned from the dust and the ashes? Longing
Hallelujahs, or short, sharp dirges?

Unafraid of love-- at last, perhaps-- the dead will
whisper miracles. Clear the dirt from their mouths
and empty your heart and LISTEN!

Conformity is the Crime

O arrow of constancy
Thy iron will be mine-- remind!
As soul upbourne on spirit-wind
Begets the image that created thine.

From all time-mist
Fly on, as this
Heart-rhyme in mind twists
Turning thoughts to goodness.

Heart to heart aloft,
Mystical rose and bright cross--
Invented in airs I lost:
Thrown to ocean and sea-dross.

Here spirit and spirit meet,
Fiery yolk and albumen sweet,
Disguised in faces
the hidden praises;
Tossed and aloft they congreet

In songs no other sees as hosannahs.

A Summoning

To this true hand giant hearts come leaping
For it upholds them in such gentle wrath
As makes them beat with truer beating
Until uneven pulses fountain only worth:
Which is what true hearts and friends together do,
Each the other chiding higher
Until all of air beneath them blues
And stars peep out beside them, wan and weak,
And all the crucible world below seems and is
Shrunk to the simple dimension of a dish---
Thus their flaming souls are brought to finest light
That burns hottest in that dispersed place
Empty of high substance but what high hearts have brought
Giant out of themselves by giant wish.


Awake, awake!
For all the dear bay's glistening
In uneven light still listening
For whatever of utterance
Soul's chrysolm beauty may glance
Into willing water's dark,
My sweet meaning the whole of my bark.
Set sail, set sail, my soul, set sail
Let no hindrance, no halt, avail:
For we are the sweet of the tree,
Blossom and bole, shoot and root we three,
Myself, my soul, and me.
Nor does the shaping heart forego
To lend its beat to our argot,
My spirit a crystalline keel,
Inspiration a motion wind feels
Lifting in blessing ascent
All some deeper sleep had blent
With nightmare chimeras now forgot
By all within my steady boat.

Somehow, now, still lingering
Out of the sullen east the sun
Has given my soul a tongue.
Soul may speak what mind began:
Light's meditation is an ardor,
Of my soul the keeper-warden
Which never must be abandoned
For so simple delight is saddened
And everything of remembered worth
Thrown seedless to the earth
Whence never another vine will reach
From dusky plain unto the sun
Bearing with ripeness as a spillage
Grape or fruit of many an age
Longing time may bring to blossom
Out of darkness' drowsy bosom.

Gentle Charity, no farther,
Must you bear this as a father
Childish swearing does forebear.
Those who see not propounding noon
Liquified in soul's triumphant swoon
As swan lifts trumpeting his song
All the purple light along
At tender vespers, languid and long,
Or blinking matins, awake and strong,
For themselves must conquer hatred
Through loving hearts, many-gated,
Until dim and churlish slaughter
Lies self-becalmed as these waters.

Go out, go out, my broken-hearted--
With untroubled look depart them,
Cast back no final, futile glance
For all in a single chance
Is your future concentrated.
Let not one chafing countenance,
Deaf to this beneficence,
Shake from their sordid hearts a sigh;
Live in my smiles, or die!
From here commences, in my sight,
An headlong, eternal light
That every living form bedights,
With dews of immortality
Awakening soul's sweet rarity
Floods the loosening dawn
With: ocean, field, and lawn,
(Building light from evening's jet
By apperception the mind begets)
From the gentle fount of grass
To the living wave like glass
No such light may overpass
But must ignite in simpleness
Love's million multiple beams!

Every morning wayfarer
Whose light boat cannot tarry
But pushes on out of darkness
With whatever of best and best
In tangles of light impressed
In bossing golds on waves' breast
Plies resistless to the crest!
Such silver as the eglantine
To the dew-fraught morn resigns
And heaven on every still thing deigns
Rewarding quiet prayers
With this mercurial layer--
Such silver I say is savior
When soul its own good blossom knows
Nor will be shaken by the cold
Into something hard and cold
But that a sheath of clear protecting
Such firm flowers thus selecting
That deep winter's dire infecting
Shall not break them by its cold,
In such clear light protecting.

All that night my heart had lain
Upon this boat and silver stream
Until all memory became
Like the memory of a dream;
And there true life began
Beneath night's stars swirled to one
Past the extinguishment of suns
When realer dream draws us on
To dream of all we may have been
And in heart's solace draws us on
In dreaming dream to dream again!
O how cold the moon's a mirror
For all the heats within her!
I my own bright soul create
Nor did this fascination make
To slave it to a universe
I, living, gaze on as a hearse.
My silver hand in dawn's lake
Dips, its own soul to take;
From this sweet enlivening
Come my symbols unquestioning:
Crown upon my crown rests cherishing,
The sword in my hand unperishing.

Do not dispraise the light
That, singing whatever's brightest,
Undoes the theft of night--
In soul-enchanting soliloquies
Enmansioning aerial ways
That we might thrive there all our days
In realms of spendless purity
Absent nations' perfidy
Heart to heart for sole surety;
This our pledge, this our guarantee
That all's well with humanity
Once these bleak constants, fear and dread,
Lay to light exposed, and dead,
The human plant may only mend,
Think to create, and speak to praise,
Throughout the endless paradise of days
--Touch to caress, or move to love,
As this thoughtless rhyme does prove.

Ai! Ai! High radiancy,
Round eve's ever-changing sea
Like universes' bright periphery,
Back to sun-like man's centrality
I and all mortality
Welcome both thy light, and thee.

And if all the world condemn
What all the heart commends
What matter, so that heart sail on
In self-discovery without bourne
Through mystic waters, blue and calm?
What does pleasure's grieving echo give
But light to dark-hearted lives?
O when the trembling hand may shiver
And some momentary joy deliver
To thought-locked face and brow
What passes from that hand to bless
In an unending tenderness
As paradise were with us even now?
Memory makes no bounty of the scorn
Dementia attempts to ripen on
In sold human hearts since we're born;
Whatever slender wing endeavors
Be communicant with the treasure
One heart may hold forever
Will find such wind in chambers there
Beyond conjoining woe or care
That they may sail infinity
In the air of that one heart's ease.
Pleasure alone may live within
The human bound of life given
As light within these waters:
Ungrieving, crystalline, faultless.

And now my soul is voyaging on
In mystic waters blue and calm.
For whatever true hope had wrought
In time-defying, true love-knot
How could Love forget?


Friday, April 29, 2005

Adoring Thorns

From website


Adoring Thorns

by Gregg Glory

This Book Published

Copyright © 1992

"My neon heart's kneeling in defeat"
Or However the Weather Tends
To Her, To Her
The Drunken Ballerina
"Her eyes intensified...."
"The face haunts me."
Aqua Lycra Scubagirl
Why I Like Wet
Lyric Licked
"A saint is in the eye"
Prayer. Again.
New Year
I'm Seein' Life in Debravision
Jes' Tryin" Ta Tell A Vision
"Her incandescent body"
Bella Belle Isabella
"I'll resign the moon"
"Let it come, let it come"
"When I truly dream on Paradise...."
"Small faces gather at the great, Romantic heart"
"I'd divine the source your rich mystery was made in"
"When you are gone my heart is buried"
My Heart, My Debra, My New Dwelling
"Riding angel-lambent in cloud-crystal bliss"
Sex As Sex
The Hero and The Saint
Shakespeare Writes It

I write this to all the harried angels of the earth

This is no post-mortem, but a moment recalled, my Dear

How briefly was her face tilted to the heaven where I lived! Never had another angel-- so hungry to experience love, real love, terrifying love and its frightful freedoms-- come to the cool harbor of my arms with such intensity screwed into her face. Her face itself was an angel's puzzle; the tripped electric gate St Peter shut. An alert and mobil majesty in those pale features and dark locks that perhaps only still photography or a 1920s black and white film could possibly capture. In life, her grins and winning compressions of her nose seemed too hectic to be believed-- too rash and ecstatic to really be communicating from any, more static, core one was willing to call recognizably "human." But I also knew these faces in their slow-motion mode, their more belatedly loving and august character. Alone, and at her feet, I would watch the world wash over her face at the end of the day in complaint and exasperation until it seemed that all expression must vanish from those exhausted lips and ceilingward, nearly black, eyes. Within moments, however, she would grimace or resolutely sigh-- shaking her head like a wet terrier and, perhaps, open her blood-alive lips again to say my name or breathe out through a self-indulgent smile untraced by any concern other than its own tired loveliness. These were treasured instants, which I now (how calmly!) recollect. My bitterness, my anxiety, my righteous self-defense of some imagined personal integrity ripping from me now as the world then fell from her looks. And then I remember a slight sound of water mingling with her sidelit countenance; some fountain where we sat out a midnight vigil, the waterlight of rose and blue coral; laughing in delight at the airy realness of the stone cherubs floating before us rises to mind and floats around me now somehow liquidly-- the unviewable sandpaper of the sea our only backdrop. Here was passion and patience and regret for the thought of a future we then in-hearsed, burying our told wishes as if just so much weight of dust. The taste of dust stays with me; dust and water still mingle on my tongue.


"My neon heart's kneeling in defeat"

My neon heart's kneeling in defeat;
Beauty by its gentle precept
Now all its silken ties relents,
Loosening sighs my soul had kept.

Never under a deeper terror
Moved one blinded spirit's seraph
Than this enchanted note might tell of
---However voice is prone to error!

For I was one who had loved Love!
Nor ever for my hot fondness stood reproved
But tripled-up that passion cold eyes removed,
Heating deep Atlantics from my heart's cove.

Sacred were those wellspring's vents!
Deeplier delved than baptismal frankincense
Crushed to holy foreheads in Arab tents---
Never of life's pulsings to relent!

Time has put all such dreaming now to bed,
All louder hearts to quiet 'neath calmer heads
As if to lie asleep were to forget the dread:
Though lying living now, we shall lie dead.

So then what is it to have lived?
Nothing; if not "to have loved."
Thus life's premise is against me proved
And I am dead--- though I have loved.

Or However the Weather Tends

I have been by your tempests overtaken
And wallow waterlogged in your waves' swales
Whose salt in tender licks my mouth
Opens thirsting for.... Drowned by years
Of loving whatever your love abandons here
On the constant beaches of my devotion.
Not one pebble turns from the spray away
Or hesitates to douse itself in you.


Beyond the fell pace of antelopes
Lost to sight in the cold engulfing woods
Where hot hounds give ululating chase, up slope
And deep into the dimmest mossy fold---
There my mind in ranting rage unwinds
And knows the sharp sorrow of each bitten thing
And falls with the great hart in bludgeoned love;

To Her, To Her

Twice by speed of love was my message sent
Dimming suns by bright heart's relent-
Less, sincere and spiritual, self-amusement.
Here joy castled and burning voices flowed
As fire were water, up skies bluely endowed
(By wedded loves' light now new embowered).
And --as a flower-- leapt my longing
Universes high, unkempt light prolonging
As tender looks in lovers' eyes are kept
By mutual fire alive against the ashy wish of death.
Thus this flaming wreath hath reft roses and suns
Of their writhing petals, but not their worth
Which, reckless of cold time's slow vast waste, runs
On and on, racing still my pulses to loved earth!

The Drunken Ballerina

There, nimble and fantastic
As the bar closes, a tilting girl
(Near wooden doors eerily elastic)
Stands, dances and twirls,

Shrieking "Life!" to adoring airs
A chandelier's flaming wings make roseate.
"My angel, my light, come down, come here!"
She leaps from her chair-- too high, too late--

Pirouettes, trips, recovers herself
In the innocence and vision of a dream:
From the paradise of her lips
An atmosphere, a heaven, of absinthe

Drunken and lovely, the Intoxicant,
Following with feet wherever heart went,
Learns like a supplicant to lean
On whatever the dream means.

"Her eyes intensified...."

Her eyes intensified destroyed the impossible clarity of the evening. Aquamarine at midnight, skies of milk and summer. By erasing it yet more clearly. Hyperbolic acid in her glance-- impossible to petty moralities; all enter and dissolve. Ha ha! How luxuriantly have caravans of myself, my own, my bedouin soul, passed green nights exploring these portals. Meadows of somber enormity. Ha ha! This should interest those who pretend to be scientists of spirit.

Myself? I am rapturous for escape. Into reality, the unpurveyable.

Prom-dressed scarecrows stuffed with diamonds of anguish would pay a very high price for my innocence.


---Your mouth is a brood ground of old whores.

Every word is an untranslatable genesis.

---Piquant egotism!

I say her eyes.


"The face haunts me."

The face haunts me. Melts, vagrant ghost that it is, enters my veins and wells up to impossible laughter. Shrieking radiance of newness-- shrill and virile! Well, well, I feel that I have not yet forgotten how-to-love.

Blue innocence of adorning airs-- unnecessary extravagance! in the face of your face. Come, stand beside me. There is so much I demand to imagine as still possible tonight. How void of solace is the empty moon! One bladed touch of your fingernail, and the world lies ripped around me in bleeding shreds.

Art, poetry, complexity: Let us destroy these sterile mechanics of happiness--

How uselessly this world is gold troubadour to my impulse!

Yet, the face haunts me.

Aqua Lycra Scubagirl

Oh my giant honeydrop
Y'know my heart will never stop
Look at me I look at you
Is all I ever want to do

Oh my cherry lollipop
There my cherry lollipop
Oh ma chere I look at you
That's all I ever wanna do

Why I Like Wet

All these longshoremen of the heart can go fuck

O water water aching blue and bright
Get that little scubagirl up to the light--
Prayers are ashes when heaven is wet:
O lonely little scubagirl, fly up to my net!

My heart is full of candy roses,
My hand's a daisy patch;
I bless all runny noses 'cuz
I hope one blessing yours will catch.

O little aqua lycra scubagirl
You swim in my Adriatic heart's red swirl.

Lyric Licked

Love and longing live for light---
It is a torch's tempted touch
Comes to candle conscious sight,
Komes in kicking blisters-- it is too much!

My love and longing endure a night;
Every luminescence shut
when she blinks against the light.

"A saint is in the eye"

A saint is in the eye
that sees thee
Upholding light
impatient skies descend--

Blue litmus insert
bedeviling a patched wold
Changeless spirits inherit and descry
a lice-bed.

Infinitely dark trees
shade the scree-
Shaped cynosure-- adoring Life!

Crying bloods leak down
a marble eye
In thirsting wish seeing
Perched at the white clasp
of your throat
Charging the plush surge
velvet time blots

--- in violet time reprised!

Prayer. Again.

Naked angels who watch my spirit, weep
As I have wept, and still this vigil keep.
For purer love has never in its season
Been given than this I give unease in.
O Disquiet! Come hallow this soul of me
Forged between an ariel halo listing in fire
And sultry dusts spurring restlessnesses.
Come shift my spirit's solidity-- as mist
Arisen to sun's atomizing power
Lifts to brighter character by its change of state.

New Year

How sweet the blossom shouts the winter's over
In cannonades all of yellow love
Starring a ground still downy
As if summer suns outswept the inaugural day.

How dawn's above this starling stalk uncertain
Which of the light is bearer and receiver!

I'm Seein' Life in Debravision

Parted lovers met on life's intervening strand:
Close in love, and closer still in loving.
Pearled light held the near angels' adoring,
Angelic in reflection of love's uplifted brand.

Jes' Tryin" Ta Tell A Vision

All these unlimited ministries glisten
Ingeniously-- lights capitulating to lights'
Increasing haloes.
So her face
Angelus limitless from lips to unpinned hair
In my heart radiates life
Until every limb lies annealed
And even my fingers infect the spring with joy
Teaching each sweet bird its flight
From high height to highest!

Purloined glories from my smashing chest
Accept no council
Neither fear nor philip of wit
Nor care of any creepy pink thing
But plunging on in their own bewildered wonderment
Scroll out til stars pile up
Making earth's envisioning air
Seem the thinnest ribboning.

"Her incandescent body"

Her incandescent body
Tender under told time's one gigantic tick
Incinerates hours and fables by swept, kept licks;
Molten beneath the moon's white story
One by one the unspoiled stars spill from her side.

Take all my lorn light unshorn (to you only belonging)
Twist flame and flower and winking spring
Into the midnight ivy of your dark, swung hair
And into the blended candle's long eye at dawning.

Twist every strand of the wild, wild air
Into the midnight ivy of your dark, swung hair
Until Love jumps out from spuming earth
And mounts the lost, cross ways of my breath.

All-at-once lovely in your loved eye,
Awkward and able, spry and awry,
My burning body like a shouted cross I move
(O golden-boned frame suffused with unrefusing Love!)
All-at-once lovely in your loved eye.

Now out of sparring breath
I pause to praise and honour all her ways:
Whirled brave alive again from her inward world
I sing all loves sprung from her beginning word;

And deep in the sacristy of her candle-hot breath
I lay down my moons and worlds for the honor of her days.


My heart's a lamp of "red, mirrored fire"
Blown to sun-eyed daises flown
From the uncovered light of her chest;
Now ashen heart has a smoky charm to fondle
And she had a will to touch such smoke
A wick-licked nipping love
Mouthed from the sensual tongue of summer air
Writhing with daisies in the heaven-flooded fields
Whirled about her rich wildness where she lay.

Then all my pyred, wronged
Soul abandoned broken in its ageless grief
Stood forgetful of its doom of harm
In the myriad afternoon of her maenad's chin:
And lapped in happiness through the tumbledown night
I rose with the joy-streaked stars again
And felt in the blood-flared marrow
Of my pyring, fire-christened soul's core
The meadowed virgin's sung lovingness come
Whiten and bless me with her petal-fall.

Bella Belle Isabella

Her silvered eyes entranced the moon, leapt bare
From dim cornice to swept heaven, stared
The moon-man from his stirless rest
By fibers of affection bound him breast to breast.
So Isabella charmed each element she met,
Bent to calm waters, and made those waters crest
As she were the moon come down to trod the wood
And with luminous looks set whispers among the reeds.
The wind that swept her sighed away enthralled;
And crickets kept her steps enshrined with hymns;
Birds added wondrous silent powers to their calls
And marked her visit solemnly, like small dignitaries trimmed;
Sweet berries shook themselves to roll along her palm
And of those moon-liveried lips have some taste
Before they of their giving taste gave all.

"I'll resign the moon"

I'll resign the moon
[And all the fainting artwork of stars tear down]
And all the flagrant shouting stars
That leech their whiteness to every sky
Indifferent as the wind
For her whose whiteness stays concentrated
More than the gigantic roaming moon
Or meteors that diminish as they pass
In higher light oval as true love
That touches everything as it touches
You with its white tangential tongue.

"Let it come, let it come"

Let it come, let it come
Hypnotized time of supremest Love!

I faint from paitience,
My memory dead;

Fears and falseness-- enchantments!
To heaven are fled.

And Love's soft thirst
My sick veins bursts.

Let it come, let it come
Hypnotized time of supremest Love!

Arthur Rimbaud


Here my winter heart,
And there my summer soul
In frosting opposition stand:
As when noon and midnight meet,

"When I truly dream on Paradise...."

When I truly dream on Paradise for me, how few faces accompany the vision! None of them recognizable! Here, an unendurable tenderness-- leechlike affections, very like modern art. Empty souls gyrating with a sound of suffusing suction! Wanton in their emptiness, their excessive lack. What sold-out paucity. Inhibitionists sacrificing the spinning wish to live! Mourning doves hop from my head to eat out the eyes of these remorseless sycophants. Trapped by a desire-- they know nothing of how to desire reality for themselves... Ah, my petite soul! How conjugal thy green dance. Come, swirl your cherry scarves around me! We shall play at spitting on these faces!

. . . . .

Shattered lilies on the abstract faces

Poor bastard! I shall wear your skin-- as a victory and a celebration! You have stripped it off as a drunkard strips off moderation. How jealous of God's spotlight ached St John! There is a willing divinity--- as real as any pig sacrifice in Tahiti.

. . . . .

Angels possessing cowardice! You too!-- I have felt it-- wings delicate and oily as a fly's, shivering with the anticipation of some heavenly visit-- the recorded face of a little girl at the instant of death; the very moment when she threw herself on the tracks to save the family dog. These are the fetishes of good spirits.

I myself am hurtling down the same track, my eyes magnetized by my eventual death-- a death totally without salvation: For I have seen the glorious angels and stood among the hive as they communed with their Creator. My hanging heart, hungry with righteous appetite, has been caressed by the Supreme Hand, altering its tick-- but still I refuse to believe in them; I won't stick by that dirty crew! Not I! Not that lot!

Still, heaven is open to me. Its razor azures. Just the thought of falling in love stops my heart.

. . . . .

The watered loves of salvation. Again! Again these symphonies disrupting restless dusts. How long and how lovingly I longed to be a corpse! Let the roses close over my eyes-- how shyly! Simply the moon's light leaks into the tomb, my arms crosswise, awaiting the heart's cool command to cease. My nostrils shudder at the other corpses; morose disfigurement gnarling the stone. Even in death I am a snob! To have given as I gave: this face to this time! Horribly, I held her hand. I mewed, "I love you." And at this, at this her vailing virginity lapsed! No heroic soul melted between us. Monstrous Beauty! Chaste hands held and licked like cold-cream. How tender were the lies we steeped each other in! Disingenuous lust, dispirited genetalia. She, too, was dead. Her eyes died when I licked the tears from her face-- and laughed!

We are so immemorially close! In the velvet afterlight of burning decay, how solemnly her lips beheld mine. Bridegroom to spent darkness. Avidly, vividly, licking. Night, night, my own most especial despair! Unwrap the spirit this cellophane traps! Extend my nauseousness to the masses! Sick, and in infinite hope infinitely despairing, I extend my tongue to your bootsole... I weep if I can touch one discarded object of your hatred!

Mysterious Heart!

My words are nails!

Useless nails!

What a Satan I truly am!


"Small faces gather at the great, Romantic heart"

Small faces gather at the great, Romantic heart
Staked alive in the stiff glare of dead eyes' love-glances,
An icicle-daggered light that stabs the loveless dark.
How like the vaccuum-vacant philosophy of Sartre!
Small faces proved mute, they slink towards death....
Dwindled souls! Seek death's vile ecstatic chance!
O hatred! glow again within this loving breath
And spurn with angel's-fire every falseness weaving wreaths
About this lighted grove of truest Love
I hold within me in untresspassed stillness yet.
Every striving leaf to some high lightness tends,
Sending its green tendrils through a shadowed net;
So I strive, and my striving may have no let. O Love, love
How sacred is this tended flame no matter how you move--

"I'd divine the source your rich mystery was made in"

I'd divine the source your rich mystery was made in
But head cannot know what heart's forsaken
That groans awake in the harassing [solitary] wind
Which irritates these high-borne summer grasses
Stirred as I to your blood's momentary thrumming:
How out of deafness had I heard your deep soul coming?
And what strange remembrance then shall my heart find
Pulsing beneath new autumn's colored masses
When lungs pulse solemn in the halo-light
Beaten to sweet gold above one winter's night?
O there are days that drive one to be blind
To all the world's cruel, compelling ashes
And force my bludgeoned, hidden heart to see
A coarse, cold beauty behind a dark reality.

"When you are gone my heart is buried"

When you are gone my heart is buried
In damned time, my grave maker and keeper;
What tripped unerringly then stumbles, dead
In a world deceased, save for active reaper
Who seeks live hearts for deadliest solace
And in velvet caress comes touching to kill.
I adopt the cowl and wear an empty face
Stained by cold reticence when I lack your will
Which hotly blushes all my good intent
As sunlight interfuses loveliness
To every airy thing, in whole or part,
Imbuing sheer transfigurement by thy wish.
But now, my sun, you are come again
And make all departure welcome by such return.

My Heart, My Debra, My New Dwelling

Up the singing stair I bound as heart
Pounds a rhythm of joy, unbounded, full
Of its own spread glory as kissed lips that part
To set royal notes to soul's burning all.
Here there is wine; wine, poetry and love
To last all evening long, and light the morn
In flame everliving as my spirit moves
Above the limning eye of dawn. I've borne
Untold sorrows as wind bears up the clouds
That fly into the atmosphere's soft
Height, where still my soul beats loud!
O inner certainty, sure as that sky aloft
I'd give again each heartache, live every painful hour
That I may know one moment of beauty's fearsome power.

"Riding angel-lambent in cloud-crystal bliss"

Riding angel-lambent in cloud-crystal bliss
I mock all pricking peaks' diminished blacks
Until the near sun dissipates like a vapored kiss
And all Love's crystal excess cracks away and sinks
Light-shattered to the deep-augured sea.
I sing my imaged beauty's bright obsequies
As rancid temples sink from my heightened sight
And anchors reel away from now-rising ships;
I sing despite defeatists who moon for cold Carthage dead
Or, sunk with heart-tonnage of thickest lead,
Curse the blessing God gave them free:
Truth, dear Beauty, and long-souled Liberty!
Thus I fly on, re-luming a salvaged past
Until out of whatever worst of worst surrounds
I divine this syllabic, righteous best!

Sex As Sex

Look to where groins are purring
To touch the spur to flank;
Miraculous backs heave sweating
In midnight's suspended black.
O open your heart without letting
Until the moon bends down to watch;
Touch fire and fire to match,
No matter the weight of the dark.

The Hero and The Saint

Halfway to heaven a hero and sinner rest,
Grave mouth to mouth, and breast upon breast;
Long were those kisses as the sky may melt and sway,
Deep the breaths that crest up there
Until mountains are clay.

Straight upright stand the dead,
Trumpet upbourne on skull and head;
No laurel wreaths do their eviscerate hearts display,
All that song had woven together now lays unmade;
And thorn and dust have taken
All song and tongue away.

When God's asleep we'll dance as saints,---
In naked innocence heart and skin may meet;
Clouds of proud demeanor will fall from our breaths,
Our milk kisses pour and taste milk-sweet
Deaf to the whisper of death.

Shakespeare Writes It

Although my love's made for joy
I taste black ashes at my lips;
For I am pining sick in love
And love is all my remedy.

For love but wounds to cure
By wounding giving cure, cured to wound again!
I am an apostle of that ecstasy
And still cannot the deadly sweet
Of love's maddened sweat forget.

Such is love's mystery
When we lie abed
Who would give heart's cure
Must first stitch heads.

Though love is brief, on my hurt I meditate
And find all ill who all-wished for sweet;
One heart, my own, unowned
Like a drop of salt-sweet spray
Cold oceans of feelings shows.

Oh still to be a human thing alone!


[For her of whom I have written both "A million-souled angel this incarnate minute," and "When I in my lover's eye am cast aside," and felt both sayings true with the savage conviction of a ghost doomed to haunt the deathcamp of his last breath]

In her cockle-slip of coffin
My love lies lightly best;

Out of my own small, sinned bones I begin
And shape one splinter to sail gigantic seas;

I lay the red keel in my breast.

What if all those images
I cannot identify the phrase
Or the man that made it
But I know the wild heart

When cupid's deputation takes all in fee
And steals from free souls what slave hearts would keep
Pulling from sweet love sweetest misery
By pluck of heartache till sound judgment jump
Off sworn love and with leaping desire goes

When sorrow, like summer rain, the dry heart
Remands under dewy freshets of itself
Joy, like the summer sun, follows it in heat
Suborning sad hours' waste with a wealth
Of thoughtless play the ageless leaves among,
Leaving no weep of what had the day begun.

the weight of imperious light

When spirit's ecstatic tenancy
Too closely visits the frame of me

Writhing about all her rich wildness as she lay
In the heaven-fields flooded with daisies.

Half-way to death in my ark of skin
And unable to loosen the thorned pin of my love
For all that green and swaying may about me move
My bones conferred with time's disconsolate wreck

Love knuckled under with a cold, long fist

A million-souled angel this incarnate minute

When I in my lover's eye am cast aside


Stop, ageless star, kissing my desire
That night has fed with dreams of lasting fire
And see the charging river such kisses have unhearsed:
For pale and pointless as the stony ground
Have I lain with whispers until by night immersed
And in that night await your silent burning sound!
I look to you when my youth deceives me
And all the tempest of my indignant blood
Throws the sauntering seas of daydream into fever:
Ever calm above these opposing storming seas
That meet in my breast and cancel
You stare, bright star, in vauntless victory ever!



That night I wrapped jilted Beauty in my arms-- and I found her bitter-- and I spit at her.

I cursed her; and I [she] wept.

I pickep up the gun against Justice. Terrible vengeance!

I ran.-- O Bitches! O Misere! O Hate! All that is precious I have left with you.

Ill luck was my idol. Sadness, queen over me. Tragady was my master. Unhappiness, my GOD. I, the evil prince.

And then at last the tender Spring apportioned to me the frightful laugh of an idiot!



Ice cathedrals rise to disappear in air;
A cold-halo hugs the moon with light
And radiates all through the star-shot night,
A God-eye x-ray of my swooning spirit
Thrown large against the winter's distance.
The cold tongue chips from the mouth of Baudelaire,
Stark grey and somnolent on his nude tomb
And pitted as a rotting virgin's womb.
Oh song of Baudelaire! strike through
Death's blight, and light's: ring, rise and yet renew
The eviscerating dark that here unscrews
Melting eyes from intoxicated sockets.
How should poets love the night and yet refuse
To saunter the sun's mercuric center and unlock it?

Daniel J Weeks, Gregg Glory

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Assembling the Earth

From website

Assembling the Earth

New poems of 2001.

Complete website and downloads available.

Sounds coming soon.

Assembling the Earth

dark nature poems

"A mouthful of earth to remedy all."
- Edward Thomas

Gregg Glory

Published by BLAST PRESS

To a Summer Hailstorm
Ordinary Things
Wintering by the Atlantic
In a Manger
The Paper Mill
A Blue Perhaps
Rooted Things
The Ant-Lion
The Willow Bond
The Abandoned Tower
A Death in Woods
The Water-Mirror
Would Not Have
A Wood to Sing Through
A Bronze Creeper
Existentialist Dilemma
Good and its Opposite
The Mental Garden
Chain Chain Chain
Introrse Proportions
Lucid Interval
Evening Argument
Grave Spaces
Wintering by the Atlantic
Late-Flowering Bush
A Winter Eden
Wet Weather Promise
The Compass Rose

To a Summer Hailstorm

I have been in existential hail
Since Noah first began to bail;
Hailstorm, shake me till my sadness goes;
Strike me till new blood flows.
Ravish mind with unfettered ice;
Let cold be all of your advice.
Thunder down and dent the car.
Remind us of winter with a faithful scar.
Strip skin to tatters with your kisses,
Only, hailstorm, do not miss us.
Tear the mailbox from off its stick;
Freeze the healthy and the sick;
Fill the chimney with cotton balls;
Catch the walker in a squall.
Rattle buckshot with heaven's force-
I am the target, you the source.
Disappear and vanish in a drought
To all but me, who keeps you caught
Closer than my second thought.
Magnificent blank in skies above me,
Stoop to whisper that you love me;
Like a naked cinder for your use
Seize me, hailstorm and muse.

Ordinary Things

There's a dark deep down in ordinary things
Resists our bringing them into view,
Or else in bringing them what light we bring,
As if to ask the question 'Who are you?'

I do not know what answer I would make
Being myself, and, so, invisible-
Although I know when I give or when I take,
Outfitting my days as I best am able.

There's a dark deep down in ordinary things
Resists us, the way a mirror pushes
Until we're left again with things as things,
Alone among our daylit doubts and guesses.

I am one keeps to himself, and although
I do, I do not keep the dark alone.

Wintering by the Atlantic

[Sonnet Version]

As snow and snow will in snowing meet,
What slid down danced into a wild sleet
And randomly clung, each to each,
Resisting ocean's disassembling touch
That undoes the individual who falls
And in that fall returns to ocean's all.
There was nothing there in what was of sky,
No help of light to help say why,
Only usurpation's snow-deadened hiss
That ended each self-formed singleness
Distilled from upper vagueness and the cold.
They did not fall because they had been told.
They fell because there was nothing else to do
But fall, and this the ocean knew.

In a Manger

It lay self-entangled, curled as ramshorns,
-And pushed the belly into being mother-
Who, to be herself, had first to the Other,-
Which looked as if it didn't want being born.

Its sideways was more, and worse, than backwards.
It had to be sawn out to be itself a lamb,
Startle the clover and bleat "I am."
The bowie knife came handy without a word.

A tense scarlet torn sort of giving-in,
A clattering shape cauled on scattered straw,
Ungainly upright legs besides the ewe's,
Shook me wet and bellowed out of pain.

What had come too soon would need a mother's milk.
I pulled all night through wetness with raw silk.

The Paper Mill

I look into the portions of my thought, cold and dull.
Wheel in wheel unsettles the quiet mill asleep
And puts an uneasy harness on all I feel.
The river like a clock runs fast and deep.

Soon there will be paper, deep and white.
Wet slush from the chute, heaps of pulp and dust,
Driven by the living water to be a blank in sight.
A haaing gear gives my cheek a buss.

I pole a belt to the drive shaft, and all begins-
Horses in wheels turn, turn in their dreams;
Floorboards shake with purpose, dark and dim.
The razor nibs of the saw-wheel start a seam.

I weep, weep for sleep and do as I must.
I look into the cold dull portions of my thought.

A Blue Perhaps

The provident power of hurt and harm
The provenance of an eye ingathers,
(Its certain witness of a moment's charm
That lightly changes a life forever),
Bluely demonstrates in this morning glory
That measures us, our smallness and our fear,
With too blue an eye to ever bear
Until a touch of night shuts its story.
Then we dream, with a certain sort of blue rue,
And wonder in sleep's deep wanderment
If the sun will show us what to do
Or if dreaming can tell us what we meant.
An eye perhaps has followed us all day through,
But we do not know the eye's intent.


Having grown long words in fieldgrass daylong,
I stepped into a wooded brook to dip
Ink-worded hands into the snickering quips
Offered up by the silverquick stream;
I wondered just what the water had meant to mean,
Whose loose stones insist the water into song.

Many times I had lost what footing I had felt,
Suddenly cried out, or laughed in despair,
By hard wet things beneath thrown over,
Raw agony raised to the eloquence of a welt;

And, with water in my mouth, I'd often remarked
The sincerer operations of the lark,
Spilling a slippery noise above taciturn rocks
That break bones and never forget.

Rooted Things

Three dark junipers shadow where time stood,
Representative of my brothers and
Myself, from earth and water grown to good
Plain wood on the township's public land.

Huddled under them by the neighboring pond
Fireworks cracked to color July the Fourth;
We then, as I now, beside the dawn-like mud
Stood every year we'd been on earth,

Three stranger brothers our divided folks
Reaped as seedlings from the brick adoption house
Into a home too shy and shamed for such a name.

Now torn away ourselves to spouses
And lives, from rooted things by time unyolked,
I stand between the trees without a name.


I wake in dark. The air itself seems stained.
The dark appears a darkness self-sustained
By whatever of darkness must remain
Even at whitest noon. But this is not noon.
This is the dark without a shadow, without a moon;
A dark that won't stay shut in rooms;
One that follows even the ripest mood
And rots there, and will not give way to good.
This is the dark wolves build in woods
Who have no hands and whose teeth are sure.
This is the black that cancels the cure;
This the emptiest hour and the deepest hurt.
This lies behind eyes and bottoms every heart.
This it is that makes a faster beating start.

The Ant-Lion

His dusty body goes backwards to be dust.
On dust more frictionless than ice
A frantic slipping ant will make us wince
To see a crucible mind no more than claw;
A mind that harbors no dark thought to appall
But shapes his perpetual falling wall.
He does not jump for justice or to be just.

Summer's first rain-drop rolls in dust a world
Whose wet invites all wetness hints of growth
(Such a world may we recognize in drought).
Silent and dry, he emerges like a roar
And makes the molten tension burst,
And drowns himself with water, nothing more.
And a something unrepeatable is learned.

The Willow Bond

"Let's have a game of truth or dare," she said.
She snapped a longly hanging willow-wand.

We shared the field with no one but ourselves
And the willow that knew us from the play of years

That fountained alone and yellow in the field.
Winter's tears to April dew had yielded.

"The game is played by our both being blind
Until the willow tells true where true love abides."

A hint of mischief's smile filled my closing look.
She offered an antennae-end; I felt and took.

"A willow wand between two lovers' hands
Communicates the tension of love's bond."

The switch, whip-supple, wetly flailed,
Live as a shedding snake held head and tail.

I felt, where dew-bewildered life had broken off,
A sad pull; something, then, lent something soft

To our springtime game of gain and loss.
The wand had left a distance for us to cross

And reared between us a budded arch
Forever flowerless as frozen March.

"My question is: Will you love me all your life?"
"What you mean is: Will we be man and wife?"

I broke into a laughter I did not understand.
The willow sent it on to her own blind hand.

Perhaps this willow, being the duticle thing it is,
Adds a playful pulse to those it passes.

Something about the way the time compressed,
Or how the intercessor willow hissed,

Misgave me to give the game my heart;-
And that too went out along the drying bark.

What we are, I thought, we are by accident.
What happens makes us bend as we are bent.

I kept eyes open now, sure that hers were shut.
A glimmer or a tremor of I knew not what

Laid a furrow clear across her forehead,
As when question answers question as we'd feared

And not as we had hoped. The bond, the branch, snapped
Sudden as two children's hands can clap.

The Abandoned Tower

We drove almost to the mountain-top,
And had no wish leave it when we stopped;
No wish to leave the dew-enhanced, dew-christened air
That pleasured the lungs like a circus scare
When the sure trapeze for once escapes talced fingers
And the mind on sudden emptiness must linger
That had thought to catch a glittered body's twirl.
The thinness of the atmosphere made dull
The closing click of doors when we stood
A moment out of the car and out-of-doors.
Sunset took the higher half of woods
And the tin toy of the Ranger Tower
And showed us how a second Troy would burn.
We smiled to see just what we understood
As we stood together without a word,
Without the cluttered need to speak and yearn
That had made our road-trip Cassandra and the King.
The library had malformed our limbs
To wood, as much as books are wood, by sitting still
To read. We were over-ready to try a climb
Or try our no-words silence or try anything
To stretch out the long day of many knots
Our deep need to know had dearly bought.
The road swirled up away from feet at once
Round the mountain-top as round an ice-cream cone;
The road was rock and mist, the bones of clouds,
Red tatters gone redly under sky's west rim,
Like lashes of an agitated eye grown dim.
We watched small spots of dark swell and bud
And swarm up after us all the way until
At the last powerline we were caught
In a fatal undertow like a single thought.-
We walked on colder, with dark-adjusted eyes,
Still rounding toward the top. Things in nature
Cried out their alphabet of names, but none
Were ours, or reflected back any name we knew.
Our silence stretched between us like a clue.
Footsteps added footnotes one by one
Until we had left lower for higher ground for sure.
The tower sprang into the interrupted skies.
Spray paint through a lettered grid of spaces
Had tiered the artifact with conflicted texts.
We smiled once again to see nature vexed;
To touch where some derelict human trace is.
We grinned, too short of breath this time for speech;
We would have said a word or two this time,
For comfort's or for habit's sake, among pines
Where, in counterfeit of clouds, we saw our breaths
Touch. But we were wordless and rib-sore,
Out of perspective in a piney bowl
Rushing up around us like a garden wall
That aimed to keep in both flesh and soul
Within the clear-burned stone which grayly bore
The bolted tower that rose without a door.
We might as well have been inside a kettle
With the tower for a witch's ladle
For everything additional that we could see.
We scanned the structure for defects, but hurriedly.
What with the talus and its getting late
We knew we didn't have the time we had.
Still we gripped the rungs; they poured a cold
Beyond experience under our skins.
They were put here for a purpose, as a gate
Is put- to propose a boundary and suggest
A sort of going through. Of course, the jest
Is that the gate can't tell who's going out or in.
And we ourselves can't be sure of what we take
With us, in a purpose we call ours.
The sky began to stipple with young stars.
Each strut galvanized chilled hand to sweat,
So that we had to pull rolled sleeves over
Each rung, and get what grip that could make
To hoist ourselves a little more above.
Our collars had been thumbed up since we'd begun;
Our inch-thick sweaters had been left to hang
Like exhausted swimmers over library chairs.
Stars jarred and jumped-no, that was our eyes-
We took two deep sucks in to every one
That before our sojourn had satisfied.
What mist was in us at once would seize
Into ice spider-webs instantly as breath.
I hung halfway up a minute and heard
The charm of deadened church-bells in her tread,
Ringing on the upward steel as cold as death.
I looked around afloat in the tops of trees
Dizzy as masts and yardarms in a racing sea.
Night had come upon all things everywhere.
The trees put on their cassocks black and bare,
But refused to give a redemptive air.
Trees, gathered for prayers, stood devout.
The tower was all exposed angles and no lee.
She was where I couldn't quite make out-
Loudly made the platform on hands and knees.
Something of ice came down in shards.
A keening wind, whetted almost to urging,
Made me wonder darkly at the wooded ring;
The mountain leaned to windward
And snatched my shirt to tell me "Come and see..."
With a knowing note of something up a sleeve.
But this was more than would fit what I believe,
More sleeve and deeper than what I knew of me.
"You should see it up here, you really should.
Come up, Kerry, and hold me by the shoulders.
The world's as small and sharp as in a mirror.
If you shout down the mountain, you can hear
Echoes carry your own voice back, but clearer."
As if Earth were one to put our feelings to
Who never once told us what to do.

A Death in Woods

I kept as solitary as a wood alone
And often walked till all I knew dwindled to rumor
Talked from another country in a half-heard-of humor.
When death gave me up, I could keep the bones.

Today, having at last journeyed past myself,
I looked into a little wayside brook
Which, by caring nothing, all my nothing took.
I left a husk to worry a rocky shelf.

The Water-Mirror

One year all year I kept the pond for mirror,
And tasked water in place of one that broke
And so had run out of looking luck.
The pond re-made me foot to head,- and, nearer,

Showed my face as something like, no clearer.
Flat stones I scalped across what shone for song
Laughed at my distorted self the summer long.
Then one day in the polished lead of water

I saw what my broken mirror showed too often: fear
Of eyes in eyes, a black kept-back glance
Desperate for breakage like a last chance
To be itself something more than a moment's stare.

When autumn came, and I dared again look down,
A reluctant pond as rough as hands hid my face
For days, but not the sense of my disgrace.
Leaves above my pallid blur mocked me with a crown.

Winter's stintless nights full of wishes as a star
Drew ice across my mirror in a frozen sheet
Obscure and cold, and chilled a glance that
Knew me once, and I held back a shiver.

When my breath came back to breathing more at ease-
When pond had been blanched ice long enough-
I thought how roots go down, fathomless and tough
To stretch what stark water offers into trees.

Then I looked again, with midnight thoughts,
At the rowans surrounding.- And then beyond all thought,
Far into the night, and past night to coming dawn.-
I looked into my mirror and hoped Spring again

Would wake it as full of fears as it had been.

Would Not Have

On an uneven roof comes midsummer's chore
To clear the flue that had all winter roared-
A core of darkness with a throat of fire
Soaring to a speech of sparks that suspires-
White-hot fleets into a world of frost,
A second set of constellations we may cross.

I cleaned with broom and water, a working witch
Fouled by the labor black as a sewer ditch,
Like pulling up a fountain by its roots
That has no cleaner wet than velvet soot;
Every swish and lunge bade me be a bear
Until an evening's scrub would wash me clear.

I heard a cry like a baby's squeak.
A bat. Something in me that could not speak,
But saw two eyes like spider's eyes to scare,
Gave the thought: I would not have him here.
Six million years had put him in his cave.
I sought to sweep him with the broom I waved.

We were too much strangers for the bat to fear
Untoward intentions in my coming near;
Our worlds were not close enough to make us foes;
(Hate's a thing of nearness as things go.)
I would not have him there, and thought to undo him
With a startlement of fire out of season.

So I built a fire to double summer,
Stood by the heat-wavered flue, heard it hum,
And waited like a cat for what would come.
In a laugh of wings, in a ring of fire,
What I saw fly out was neither foul nor fair
But a living creature of the living air.

(Face to face, my face was larger.)

I would not have.... I knew I did not want
Such rapid flapping in my fireside thoughts.
When I look to flame, I demand to dream
Upon flame's own ever-changing theme;
Seeing how it prefigures in earnest night
The glare of summer, the stars' own light.

Because altered fire refused to move him,
I called him a black clot devoid of reason.
I used a poison. (I would not have him there.)
Congealing and winging in the summer air-
He fell out indefinite as a spill of inks
Dark enough to make me think.

A Wood to Sing Through

Our daily catbird in the parking lot,
Half-unknowing his danger where he stood,
Sang out eyes-shut atop a cinder block.

A blue abandoned Cougar, its purr removed,
(Haunted all last night by a pregnant stray
Hunkering into home in her birthing mood)

Had a dead crow's feathers like an exploded toy
Puffed from under a moveless wheel hoved tight,
Feeding what must come, at most, in a day.

Obliquely by her belly kept from being quite upright,
In cotton fog half-obscuring our shared world,
The mottled cat sat motionless on one stripe.

The catbird's territory song searched vacant grounds
That should have had a wood to sing through,
Not learned to be inured to all our sounds.

I wondered how I'd feel with the catbird shooed,
Mother-cat nursing uncurled by the curb,
Patched kittens purling dust just where he flew.

Silent in the silence man-made things disturb,
The cat, too quick for me to see, pounced once,-
And the catbird, leapt to asphalt eaves, sang on.

A Bronze Creeper

I had come too long down my own way now
To trouble with what signs dreamed appearing:
The simple-minded purpose of an arrow
An impertinence of trivial clarity
Pointed only to waves of vines that drowned it,
Getting more vine-entangled the more I walked-
Nature's green indifference a match to man's.
Mourning doves cooed the midday shadows soft.
I left all plans behind me and dropped intent
Back with those signs, and leaned my father's valise
Initialed in cursive gold against the last.
I would pick it up when I returned to reasons,
Sagging in voluptuous vines with a leather sigh.
Mourning doves cooed the gathering shadows soft
Under wavery arms of patchwork sycamores
Deep in the broken bounty of the wood
Where no sand-path of man or dog had stepped
To interrupt the easy gloom of leaves;
Indian Pipe and a fungus stump gave
A heavy odor the nose ignored.
The mockingbird with enviable ear
Talked to all his neighbors in their own voice,
As if by their sharing some outward wail
They shared some single mystery at source.
Half a sycamore had blown down dry
Like a thrown blade-switch in an electric storm;
Vines evinced no interest in its half-dead form,
But rode the living half half-way high.
There were whirlpools of vines in those woods,
Shunted hard aside all the time I walked them.
A bronze creeper takes its own time in ascent,
Using a tree's own strength against it,
Snake-slow up to the tree's own lofty end,
Like cloud gone everywhere or like climbing fire;
But more I think like fire than cloud
Or perhaps a fiery cloud come down
To threaten all that grew up from ground.
The wires that fuse back from its leaves
Tighten years against the tree-spine in a grip
To shadow-out leaves that block the creeper's light.
A grip once light as feathers, lighter.-
Yet shows the trick of closing tighter,
Hand over hand, or leaf over leaf
More properly, it makes its imagined height
Match the trunk's achievement grown up right.
They share a center that discernment sees.
But the outline, like a helix spun, begins
To burr and blur like an old old man
Who can't hold even his own old name in mind,
Until all the limbs lay overtaken
By a wilder interposing dark of green
That turns dry birdsnests out to ground
Or catches in an interlace of palms
Small-nippled nuts before the autumn-fall
Drops them to the danger of maturing.
How many years had I grown outbound to here?
I hear my own father laugh and shake his head
At nothing I had thought, or at something
So far back it was plain invisible to me.
Well, now perhaps I can sense the why:
We had been let drop to grow, for reasons not
Our own- chance, or even evil, occurrence
With nothing of our own doing in it.
We're left with nothing else to do but grow;
What better purpose has a laugh than sensing that?
Among a friendly roundelay of fieldgrass,
A sycamore has its life-plan laid out
From the first frond of its setting forth,
Unaware of how its reeled-in corkscrew
Waits to over-awe and overshadow all.
The grasses murmur nothing all day but sun.
Nor does the sycamore seem to posit
How its holding out beneath that summer sun
Provides just the slip of shade the creeper
In all its years of greenly slithering
Has learned to need. Once I came upon a giant
Sycamore sequestered in a neck of wood
Crowded as town, so hazed-over with bronze
Filaments root to crown, it seemed on fire-
The triumphal creeper self-inwound above
Even the crown of the vine-engulfed tree.
All the trees surrounding were backed away
As their live skirts might catch- but the effect
Was only the halo-emptiness of life
The dead tree had claimed in adoration of sun,
The slow outward longing of love's eternal
Intertwine of warmness and warmed being.
Here was a love affair too cruel to countenance
One side all terribly requited want,
The other too reserved to ever push,
And that was another story out of life.
I knew down in that those who would not stand
Oftimes retained the power of hands
And, seeming weak as lace, still could strangle.
This courtship would have no day in court;
A long struggle, and a single end.-
The corpse had a solemness, I'll give it that,
The way a bonfire dies down to ashes
And obedience. But it had no dignity,
Nothing of itself amid the choke and flame.
Bole and limbs still held themselves, riddled through
With spiny roots that cared nothing but to use.
A squirrel confused the leaves for a desperate hour
And then chewed clear. The creeper had no use
For birds, lightest true climbers of the wood,
And to their coming down proffered a net.
The creeper was everywhere and was everything.
We do not know our purpose, but onward creep
As a mood may creep day to day on fire
Behind our walls, knowing nothing but to creep.
These flamy bronzes too, were too desperate
Of their own old man's hairy grip and perch
To hazard seed beyond their flame in flowering;
What flowers came of that flame showed too poor
And too few to drop the match-head seeds.
New life must only smolder here this season,
However wary the trees of renewing smokes,
Thrown scarves to scar and catch the throat,
And envelope a head made blind to its own good.
The creeper, for all its bronze-fire threat,
Had no enemy but itself, -heh, -
And spent its life in extending tendrils
Of itself, all green willfulness and dare
Hurling its shapeless metaphor outbound
To some self-supporting taproot, to be
That tree, that life, if but for a time-
Stretching and warping its bare being
To another's bones, the way any son
Inherits his father's laugh, and in time
Has his humor, right down to the last laugh.


Bullets 'oft gang awry'
When we squint with lying eye
At the target we had thought
To level with a shot;
Somewhere along the barrel
Our curving expectation falls
And what is becomes a part
Of what we hope to shoot,
Or perhaps an intervening wind
Has changed beginning and the end.
The future always lies
Somewhere in the 'is,'
Or so the marksman's maxim goes
Hunkered in a bush of rose.
The future always lies
Somewhere in the 'is'
Our eyes are scouting now;
Hope and here intermix somehow,
Nor get pulled apart
Unless our killing art
Delivers to the shaping thought
The dead end we had sought.

The philosopher with his carcass
Dispenses with his guesses
- What would be now is,
And this is happiness.
Nor does he as he eats inquire
"What if I had not fired...."
Or if a speck of dust had interposed
Between his sightline and his nose.
All the dedication of his thought
Goes to digestion of what he's brought
From the wild field, as able,
To his domesticated table.
Not until quick hunger comes again
Will his thoughts curve and turn
To all the 'Ifs' of chance
That can cancel out his choice
And send aim or word awry
In the hunted day.

Existentialist Dilemma

The dilemma of doing's to 'have done,'
And by choosing from Many be left with One.
Addition's chief mischief is dubbed a sum;

The unwary mistake it for a total solution.
The wise contend that all is confusion,
Or at best a formal intuition.

To act presumes belief, or so I'm told,
And am pointed onward, backward, or upward to God,
(And reminded not to mind the length of the odds).

The less done the better is my subtractive reaction.
I'm not quite afraid to feel quite forsaken,
(Except that, of course, I might be mistaken).

One thought is left me, with which I'd begun:
"The dilemma of doing's to 'have done.'"

Good and its Opposite

There's a rhyme at the joint point of knowing.
There's a place, a way of saying, that clearly makes
"Good" and it opposite resonate, and even ring
The way a glass cries out when struck-

Sharing its invisible essence like a singer.
Glasses, brim to abyss, display a range
Of interchanging tones to the ringer
Who bangs the magnanimous Strange.

Does a sip sip the Good, or a sip sip the Bad?
Either way the song sways, half-empty, half-full.
The opposite of Good's not Bad, but
Odd, whose disobedient music's beautiful.

What words can we sing, for the Good, for the Odd,
That will make them ring out, spoon-struck, like God?

The Mental Garden

A rambling meadow scenery
Rank with irrigated greenery,
Showed a semi-sawed-off double dozen
Of saplings stretched since Spring, some
Waist-high to heaven, that autumn's
Clear-cut mowing would take care of
(Not much of disordered growth
Survives the park's enforced swath).

Nature's mistakes seed a scene
With a richer oddness than she means.
Plants that harbour high ambitions
Need time and shade for such positions.
Ignore me long enough, and I might
Just get to be something; kids grow at night.
Adults enlarge by thinking through
(So I've heard said, and think it true).

A modest eraser can undo
A millennium's gain by rubbing through.
I bite my new ones down to wood
And trust to cross-outs, understood
Arrows, and wild whole-page insertions.
Erasure's just too much exertion
And never pays for the lost word
That down the line might have proved good.

Human education is a crop
Best harvested without a lop.
Shapely shape the upward trees
By what mind kens, and heart perceives.
The grandest but add leaf to leaf
To make their roundness right-
Just so the round of human life
Requires a necessary height.


In the right angle of a fence
Definitions first commence
To lock us into making sense.
By running round and round a thing
With a tape measure for a string
We hobble it to give us wings.

Its only from our having tried
To live without a why inside,
Or, like a mystic pray tongue-tied,
That we have ever given thought
To holding in what we have got
To see what we've done without.

Chain Chain Chain

Once upon a time, I had slightly
Bruised my fingerend in tying
Unneedful knots too brutally.
The knots were sonnets, gracefully
Losing bout by bout in rhyming,
Despite my careful scratching
That annulled no spot of itching.
I had not thought that writing
Was so much like fighting
Or two witches bitching
So under-epidermally.
I stayed at it relentlessly
Tying tying tying
Blossom stylistically.
The daisy-
Chain was for no one particularly
(Or perhaps I am lying)
You know how things get tangly
When we practice firstly....
The lengthening
String of words got too stringy
And self-involved in singing
That should have taken flight more singly
By whistling
And not too self-consciously,
The way
A clumsy
Kite, so sprightly
Can climb all day
By dodging
More effortful breezes, never too longly
Never aloft too lingeringly
Until the crisis of a knot too thoughtfully
Unthoughtful cripples the so skyey
Into a crooked tree.

Introrse Proportions

A clouded day in a warm week
Is little, in a whole month a week
Of rain, sans weekends, is OK;
A covered month of storm and soak
Is welcome in a year of weather
That puts sunburns and hurricanes together.

So when an inner barometer
from hails and rain
to shine and sweeter
And darkly back again
To damnably, darkly fail.... whatever.

Lucid Interval

You are the thing I love, no lie.
You have given me despair.
I don't know how, I don't know why,
But my faith has come from there.

I key my verse on my hearse's side:
"All our knowing burns down to 'Why?'"
-Nor give a fuck about my verses' pride
That they may live, and I must die.

Evening Argument

i. She
A slippery sense of mental decay
sharpens the knives
and the wits of the wives
In drawers long locked away.

The sunset casts a spurious look
to calm the unmentionable ache
in my unmentionable place
With a Hallmark sort of trick.

But the hidden hurt must out;
the curse must make its choice,
match inner and outer voice,
And let the quiet heart once shout.

ii. He
Why are you so quiet?
What have I done?
Silence mounts the table
urgent as a gun.

All night we've argued mazes
and all night the night before:
We see ourselves in the window glazing
dart glances at the door.

You'd glad be shut of me-
I'll be quit of you, I swear-
And in the going horse of voice and voice
we bed each other on a dare.


I had stopped myself at noon, amused
On an abandoned track that moved
Through a wood no longer used,
Through waste acres of a watershed
Cloven by a regular runoff where
Clarity was wildered by wild briars.
Until a hidden water's hissing
Showed that something else was missing,
One never would have wondered
That anything there had harkened
At the juncture where briars darkened
As if by deepness of the angle
At the midmost of their tangle.
Something moved beneath the plane
Where the interrupted track regains
The far oasis of the wood,
Something going crossways where I stood,
Crossways to my onward motion.
I stood without a blessed notion.
At the very precipice I paused,
And waited to see if what had caused
Me to arrive there once
Would cause me to hurry further on.
I listened to what I could not see,
Water in the dirt continuously
Spattering against such hazards
As its pattering traversed.
I spied the farther side, which seemed
Indifferently like where I was indeed,
A wood moving on to wood,
A leafy dark neither bad nor good.

A tree, once proud upon its ridge,
Lay translated into a bridge
At my left, and the track repeated
Its pattern as it retreated
Past the tree's, an oak's, fallen crown
Stripped to wires on the farther ground.
I put my foot, and it seemed
To hold upon a mossy cloud
With just a warning creak or two
That subsided like morning dew.
Another step, another crack
And I was airbourne along my track,
And the whispered waters loudened
To an almost-roar unshrouded.
This was something, then, a place
Unusual in the closed-in space
That gives woods a closet feel
Of uncomfort, of bodies real
But mentally disposed of,
The way we take our clothes off
And refuse to see them wrinkle
Any longer as real people.

Had the slope been undermined,
Had the tree been dealt an ill-timed
Blow by lightning an age before
My feet had brought me to this shore?
Whatever the history, I took
A naturalist's close firsthand look
At the detail that feeds the mind
When mind's to thinking first inclined
And all the world's a wonder
As perpetual as thunder.
There's an art, a large art, of course,
Comprehended in just looking close.
The moss had browned to gold, it seemed
Unfed by any mist or stream
Despite the pounding of the sound
That made a pulsing all around
Centered in my ears. Still firm,-
So then, just a dry summer's harm,
No more, curable by summer storm
Soaking live roots back to greenness,
The dieback of a season's meanness.
An ant with an aphid hat hurried by
Anxious of her fresh supply.
Another step, another, and hushed
Came the crumble where foot had crushed
The intradose of a termite arch
(Found more often in a fallen larch);
A colony of teeth in such bone-hard wood!
Whether bored, or because they could,
I could not know, and understood
That even in a thing so small
I myself could not measure all
By limits of my comprehension.
But now, done with desecration,
(Or, more optimistically,
Aeration of the tree)
They left to found another nation
With colonists from this way-station
Who pack up their idea of home
And take it with them where they roam.
And now the whole tree was hollow,
And houseless hoot owls inward followed.
Also into this interesting
Emptiness, came bees without a sting,
Carpenter bees who hustled and tore
Termite tunnels to a larger bore
For their solitary parlors
Conveniently near both briars
And water. Who'd've thought there'd be
So much of life in so dead a tree?

I had gone down upon my knees
In my investigation, pleased
To spend my day in something other
Than myself. I wondered whether,
As I stood again on what stood
No more, if I should include
What was father on out there
Now I had come thus far to stare;
My thoughts surrounded me like fog
In the middle of the ruined log,
As unsteady of my footing there
As unsure of my going.... Where?
I peered a step just past my place
And conjectured farther on a pace;
The path behind was twice the gauge
As the dwindled path on the next stage.
It seemed that most upon this track
Had come this far to double back.
Well, I never have had more regard
For that stepper Kiekegaard
Than for my other walkers in the wood,
Intending to walk on as they should,
Instead walking only as they do.
I kicked a little nothing from my shoe
And made my balance come and go,
Unsteady and unstable how to go,
Uncertain and unsure how to know,
Kicked a something from my other shoe,
And in the end continued onward, too,
As few had chosen here to do,
As all who are not only bones may do.

To keep unlost, as doubt to doubt
You wander roundabout your route,
Simply do not doubt your doubt.

Grave Spaces

The town blind behind, blind woods ahead,
And a whitened graveyard here.
I stood alone with my luminous dread
In the dying of the year.

From the midnight hill I'd seen below
Huddled graves, yet each alone.
And here and there in the hollow, low,
A dent in snow without a stone.

Poplars dropped odd shadows, the moon
Dropped a mood. Whatever talk may tell
In me had talked-out too soon.
I brushed a small glow from where it fell.

The stony concentration of a face
Shone angel no longer- here the snow
Wears his worn-out years of grace
To the blankness of his soul.

His name's gone out like shopfront lights,
His verse survives by guesses.
What had brought me here was what night
Had done with my distress.

I walked out from being
And walked to having been;
Living was only seeing,
Death's just having seen.

The bell was black and the time that tolled
Was an absence in my heart.
Into those bleak letter-gaps, I had rolled
For all my part.

Wintering by the Atlantic

A midnight ocean and a stippled snow
Greyly perceived from a rail I know
Shared the grainy dark of here and nearer.
What water was above me seemed uncertainer.
What rolled in mist below rolled solider.

As snow and snow will in snowing meet,
What slid down danced into a wild sleet
And randomly clung, each to each,
Resisting ocean's disassembling touch
That undoes the individual who falls
And in that fall returns to ocean's all.
I could not tell just what my seeing meant
Nor how long soundless darkness had been lent;
There was nothing there in what was of sky,
No help of light to help say why,
Only usurpation's snow-deadened hiss
That ended each self-formed singleness
Distilled from upper vagueness and the cold.

They did not fall because they had been told.
They fell because there was nothing else to do
But fall, and this the ocean knew.

Late-Flowering Bush

Beyond the serious torches of several cypress trees,
The dusty chirrup chirrup of militant cicadas,
The noble solitude of a solid lonely oak
Clattering his leaves at the sun over a bleached field
That balanced his high growth by spreading out,
Desert-like and hot at noon, and all afternoon
Until the evening made them equal sharers
Of one shade, a blackness welled up from the root.
Beyond all this, beyond the blushing bluish grasses
And inner darkness of some evergreens out right,
I thought to see what seemed from the county road
A sweet hilarious patch of beech, tittering
Among more sober rowans, and walked on
Farther than I had thought at first to do.
A forest darkness hustled, a coat atop my coat.
And so I came upon a late-flowering bush
Hidden deeper in among more doubtful darks,
Taller and elder, more august and up high.
It was way out of season, much too too late,
Yet full of hopeful blossom regardless
Of the season's clock; it kept its time its own-
Before the long sharpness of the frost that tapered
In shadows till midday, it held its whites aloft.

The flowering bush was a thing itself, alone,
Clotted with milky flowers as large as fists
As if to claim a space among the harder barks,
As a child will feel more brave at midnight,
Startled from a nightmare, to smile in the dark,
Or as a father walks twice round and round
A house, for proof he really has a home.
The flowers asked for bees that would not come
To so shaded an interior, whose buzzed instincts
Could not guess to lead them there, too far
From the sugary buttercups and tigerlilies of the field;
The bees were busy with their honeys and their hives,
Too industrious to bother with this thing alone.
I wondered what had made the seed drop here
All those years ago when this bush first pipped.
Had some panicked thrush raced bewildered through the thick,
Or been carried dead by some hawk, and dropped?
How had the seed, which loved the sun, found
Filtered light to endure, in the coolness all about?
Had some tree burned out and a dormant seed
Been sprung, hot from its casing, into germination?
I'd known an odd old fellow who had not
Half begun to sing until he was half past eighty,
And his voice as awful as an old phonograph;
But still he sung, and mostly pleased himself of late,
And showed the lyric shavings of sharpened wit
To any too-curious; those words were his fists.

Above us all in the little clearing, the dull touch
Of a near cloud's inner-lighted immanence
Broadened into mystery over man and bush.
Something happened then, I did not know
How much until years afterward had stretched
My roots into some new dark flowing underneath.
But then, I did not know what I would become,
And, never having intended to be there once at all,
And having forgotten all about the patch of beech
That had first sent me off into the dark,
I shook my head at the flowering bush and took off.

A Winter Eden

A soft possible snow had descended
And let the moon climb down from the sky.
The world lay in whiteness without witness or end.
Snow lay on the tree-limbs like ladder-rungs rounded
And softened my cold need for why.

Not a blank footstep, not a note of sound
Intruded on the marvelous sight.
All creatures, all creation slept like the ground,
As though no other dark did our dark surround.
A winter Eden and a winter night.

And then I thought: It is as if some other than
The snow had snowed down or in,
Coldly immune to storm or reason.
Each hour I held that thought held only harm.
I searched the moon-snow transfigured farm.

The fallen night I found, I found no ease in.

Wet Weather Promise

Breathing close, I notice our airs
Have lately come as close to tears
As any injured feeling bears
A human made alone by fear.

Already this mist's been here three days,
Immune to our creator's rays;
Where it came from it did not say.
It has not gone again today.

Heaviness lingers on every bush,
Limned in weak whiteness near as touch;
All that moves, moves only to hush.
And, as I said, it makes my breathing close.

Once I was unsure of whether
Eyes and earth could share a weather,
Despite our eons so close together;
Now I know, I should feel it better.


A milkweed has it in it to become
Something, and challenges the field
With myriad pods above the other stalks,
And then there's the whiteness, all that whiteness,
Clumped and disparate with the wind slow,
A slow diaspora that struggles mostly
Into our reservoir just there, or plants its flag
In the same field that served as home.
There's that in us as well that never waits,
That wants out,- and gets out too,- past fields
It blows out onward always in the mind,
Same as the milkweed taken root and risen
To spurn its soil, and dies in seeding out its thought;
Just so, our light cares, light temptations
Lift out and abandon us, and we wish it so.
Some other valley's always more our sort,
Some other sunset igniting through the gorse.
Hand me that dead milkweed stem you've
Yanked up there- thanks. See how the lips
Have gone to beaks with vomiting dreams
All day long and under the August sun?
Here's one deep-in hasn't the heart for escape,
For leaving the only home its ever known;
No matter if that home is dead or soon to die,
Home is home. There's a reach in the design,
Wispy almost-nothing pulled to this seed
Soft as a moth, perfect for an escape
Once the pod's blown out, hardened to scrap-
Necessary for these feathers to move on
Into the endless. Rise after rise
Lies past this embankment of peaches, straight on
To the sea out somewhere, toward the Pacific perhaps
To judge by the wind. Never thought of it,
Although I suppose we all crawled from there,
But that's one home not hardened yet,
Not the sea, not yet, or if it had,
Something else has troubled it back to life.

The Compass Rose

I ride the night-yard's rose bush like a saddle,
Burning to be nearer what shines afar,
And visit all the dreaming stars for marvel,
My rose and I still waking where we are.
All below is lost, I believe in what's above.
Unburied from sleep, I and my heart arose-
As full of feeling as empty of self, they say.
But knowing myself as I know my yard and rose,
I say, "Losing finds all again; there is a way."
Twenty years about both house and bush I've spent;
Twenty years dreaming to the rose-soft summit
Where the sun arises a rose and sets a rose.
Having gone round in love, I return to love;
I wake to see where my rose-dreaming goes.
My compass rose is cunning, her roots are deep.
I dream the dream I need when I dream of sleep.
The self is buried, and its roots are mossed.
Roots are what come of being lost.


This quick collection saved my life.

June 11th - June 28th 2001